
Volume 8, Issue 2, February 2019



Sedimentary Textural Characteristics of Digha Coastal Beach, a Part of Kanthi Coast, West Bengal, India

Authors: Nayan Dey, Dr. Purnima Shukla

Abstract-The present research has been discussed on the sediment textural characteristics of the coastal beach. Sediment plays a role of document landform formation. Various statistical parameters such as Graphical Mean Grain Size (Mz), Standard Deviation (σ1), Skewness (Sk) and Kurtosis (kG) are used to evacuate the aforesaid concern. The mean grain size (Mz) is being used to find out the dominance grain size. Standard deviation (σ1) shows the sorting nature of soil or sediment. Skewness (Sk) measures the costiveness of skewed and also kurtosis (kG) quantifies the sediments nature are mesokurtic to very leptokurtic. In addition, Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA) is used to analyse the environment of deposition.

Keyword- Coastal Beach, Mean Grain Size, Standard Deviation, Skewness, Kurtosis, Linear Discriminant Analysis.


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Scheffe’s Model of the Compressive Strength Characteristics of Concrete Made with Termite Mound Soil from Akwa- Ibom State, Nigeria

Authors: Umeonyiagu Ikechukwu Etienne, B. O Adinna

Abstract-- This research developed the model for predicting the compressive strengths of concrete made from termite mound soil and granite/chippings using Scheffe's (4, 2) lattice polynomial. The termite mound soil was dug from the hostel site of the Heritage Polytechnic, Ikot Udota, Eket, in Akwa Ibom state, while the chippings were obtained from Akampa, Cross River State, all in South - South zone of Nigeria. Sixty concrete cubes (150mm x 150mm x 150mm) were molded, cured and crushed. The model for the compressive strengths of the concrete developed was Ŷ = 20. 66 x1 + 22 x2 + 15 x3 + 9.4x4 + 1. 994 x1x2 + 10.426 x x1 x3 ─ 8.296 x1x4 +1.85 x2x3 +4.728 x2x4+0.282 x3x4. The Fisher test was used to validate the model. The experimental results agreed with the predicted values by the model. and the null hypothesis, Ho was accepted.

Keywords: compressive strength, Fisher’s test, null hypothesis, termite mound soil, Scheffe.


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Investigation on the Feasibility of a Solar Desiccant Cooling System in Tripoli, Libya

Authors: A. S. Zgalei, B. T. Al-mabrouk, S. K. Alghoul

Abstract— The significant growth rate observed in Libyan commercial and residential buildings is coupled with a growth in energy consumption. This growth in energy demand needs to be met by either applying measures for saving energy or by an increase in the energy production. Solar desiccant evaporative cooling offers energy savings and promises a good sharing of renewable energy for sustainable buildings where the availability of solar radiation matches the cooling load demand. This paper presents a preliminary feasibility study for implementing desiccant systems in Libya. A mathematical model of a selected system has been developed and a simulation has been performed in order to investigate the system performance at different working conditions and an optimum design of the system structure is established. The results showed that solar desiccant cooling system is feasible under the Libyan climatic conditions with a reasonable COP at temperatures that can be obtained through the solar reactivation system. Discussion of the results and the recommendations for future work are proposed.

Keywords — solar desiccant wheel cooling, system modelling and simulation, technical feasibility.


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Tools for Evaluating Service Value.

Authors: A. S.White, M. Censlive, D Nielsen

Abstract—This paper describes the development of useful tools to assist managers and engineers to choose between guiding parameters that are either numeric or subjective or both with equal emphasis. Such a procedure can produce a decision support process for service design or product design.
The technique uses Dimensional Analysis (DA) that is rarely, if ever, used in service science with the method applied to two examples; a wheelchair-mounted robotic feeding arm’s computer interface, with choices in data input methods developed via collaboration, (co-creation) with its intended users and to the analysis of a Which™ evaluation for choice of best value cookers, both can be implemented with a spreadsheet.

Keywords— subjective decisions, co-creation; value; service dominated logic; dimensional analysis


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A 5-30 kg/s Orifice Plate Cooling Water Flow Meter Design

Authors: Saleh B. Mohamed, Mustapha S. Mansour, Elhadi I. Dekam

Abstract— The flow measurement is a very important task specifically in industry sector. This is because of its widespread use for accounting purposes and because of its applications in manufacturing processes. In the research laboratory, advanced flow measurements provide new insights into a wide range of engineering flow problems in hydrodynamics, combustion, aerodynamics, and performance predictions. The main objective of this work is to generate an awareness and understanding of the range of contemporary flow measurement techniques available with the emphasis on devices and techniques associated with wide applications in the engineering field. The focus is devoted to cheap meters with reasonable accuracy; the differential pressure flow meters are employed to measure the flow rates, according to pressure drops across restrictions in the flow passages. An orifice plate meter is designed to measure the required flow rate to cool a nuclear reactor at a design point of 20 kg/s. Meter operation at off design conditions; 5 and 30 kg/s flow rates with maximum allowable orifice pressure drop of 200 kPa was investigated. An orifice plate meter with a diameter ratio of 0.7 is designed to satisfy the constraints over the desired operating range.

Keywords— Behavior of differential pressure flow meters, Design


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Implementation of Extended Uniform Circular Local Binary Pattern Algorithm for Matching Sketches with Digital Face Images

Authors: Priti Gajbhiye, Pradeep Mishra

Abstract— This paper presents an efficient algorithm for matching sketches with digital face images. The proposed system Enhanced Uniform Circular Local Binary Pattern (EUCLBP) is used to extract the minute information present in local facial region. To determine the exceptionality of criminal, development in biometric technology have provide law enforcement agency various tools but, several crimes take place where no information of criminal is present, but instead an eyewitness description of the crime is presented. In these situation, a forensic artist is commonly made to work with the eyewitness in order to draw a sketch that describe the facial look of the criminal according to the spoken description.


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[5] Himanshu S. Bhatt, Samarth Bharadwaj, Richa Singh, ―Memetically Optimized MCWLD for Matching Sketches With Digital Face Images‖, IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics And Security, 1556- 6013(7),2012

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Performance Analysis of Space Shared Scheduling and Time Shared Scheduling in Cloud Sim

Authors: Prof. Puneet Himthani, Prof. Ghanshyam Prasad Dubey

Abstract: Cloud Computing is one of the recent domains of Computer Science in which Researchers across the world are working in order to get deep insight of this domain and to develop new algorithms in various aspects to this domain to make it more easily accessible to the Users. It provides a simple, heterogeneous and architecture neutral platform where the Users can access the Services and Resources as per their requirements with ease. It is totally an Internet based system and works on the principle of Pay per Use.

In order to understand the behavior of such systems, one should require installing and configuring the system with Resources and Services. Sometimes, it is very costly, as all Researchers do not have funding from agencies for handling such expenses. In such cases, where it is not possible to have physical Infrastructure available, Simulators will do the needful. Simulators are those systems which allow us to logically implement and configure real world systems and then we can test our algorithms on it to get a conclusion about its behavior. If an algorithm works good on Simulators, then in most of the cases, algorithms works well in real environments also.
One of such Simulator that can be used to test algorithms for Cloud based Systems is Cloud Sim. It allow researchers to design the logical infrastructure involving Data Centers, Hosts, Virtual Machines, Cloudlets and other entities of the Cloud environment. This paper provides you a deep insight about how we can configure a Cloud system scenario and then implement and test the algorithm to check whether it is functioning properly or not. It is a very good way to understand the behavior and the working of Cloud Computing systems.

Keywords: Cloud Computing, Cloud Simulator, Cloud System Architecture, Cloud Models, Scheduling in Cloud Computing, VM Scheduling, Cloudlet Scheduling


[1] Calheiros R. N., Ranjan R., Rose C. A. F. D. & Buyya R., “CloudSim: A Novel Framework for Modeling and Simulation of Cloud Computing Infrastructures and Services”.

[2] Buyya R., Ranjan R. & Calheiros R. N., “Modeling and Simulation of Scalable Cloud Computing Environments and the CloudSim Tool-Kit: Challenges and Opportunities”.

[3] Mell P. & Grance T., “The NIST Definition of Cloud Computing”, NIST, September 2011.

[4] Mondal M. A., Choudhary S. & Islam M. S., “Performance Analysis of VM Scheduling Algorithm of CloudSim in Cloud Computing”, International Journal of Electronics and Communication Technology (IJECT), 49 – 53, Volume – 6, Issue – 1, January – March 2015 [2230 – 7109].

[5] Householder R. A. & Green R. C., “Impacts of Multi – Class Oversubscription on Revenues and Performance in the Cloud”, International Journal of Cloud Computing, 15 – 30, Volume – 2, Number – 1, January – March 2014 [2326 – 7550].

[6] Rathore V. S., Pateriya R. K. & Gupta R. K., “An Efficient Virtual Machine Scheduling Technique in Cloud Computing Environment”, International Journal of Modern Education and Computer Science (IJMECS), 39 – 46, Volume – 3, March 2015.

[7] Himani & Sandhu H. S., “Comparative Analysis of Scheduling Algorithms of Cloud Sim in Cloud Computing”, International Journal of Computer Applications (IJCA), 29 – 33, Volume – 97, Number – 16, July 2014 [0975 – 8887].

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