
Volume 7, Issue 8, August 2018


Handling Vulnerable Script Code in Web Environment

Authors: Amit Verma , Bhupendra Malviya, Dr. Anshuman Sharma

Abstract- Nowadays, network security is becoming more and more important in our daily life. Owing to that the fact that we cannot live without the Internet, providing a good and security networking environment is significantly necessary. However, cross site scripting (XSS) attacks risk millions of websites. XSS can be used to inject malicious scripting code into applications, and then return the code back to the customer side. When users use the web browser to visit the place where the malicious scripting code has been injected, the code will execute directly to the customers computer. A common solution is detecting the key words of XSS in the browser javascript engine or on the server part to filter the malicious code. Nonetheless, the attacker can construct different new types of malicious scripting to avoid detecting so that it is difficult to collect all keywords in the detecting-list to avoid XSS attacking. Therefore, it is worth letting more people pay attention to XSS and finding more solutions to avoid XSS attacks.

Keywords- Javascript, XSS Attacking.


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A Novel Approach for Face Recognition using CHMM Algorithm

Authors: Azharruddin, Bhupendra Malviya, Dr. Anshuman Sharma

Abstract- Face recognition is one of the most suitable applications of image analysis. It’s a true challenge to build an automated system which equals human ability to recognize faces. While traditional face recognition is typically based on still images, face recognition from video sequences has become popular recently due to more abundant information than still images. Video-based face recognition has been one of the hot topics in the field of pattern recognition in the last few decades. This paper presents an overview of face recognition scenarios and video-based face recognition system architecture and various approaches are used in video-based face recognition system which can not only discover more space-time semantic information hidden in video face sequence, but also make full use of the high level semantic concepts and the intrinsic nonlinear structure information to extract discriminative manifold features. We also compare our algorithm with other algorithms on our own database.

Keywords- Face recognition, image, video based face recognition


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