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Authors: Ali Beyhan Uçak, M. Cüneyt Bağdatlı Abstract— This study was conducted to determine the stress tolerance markers in the corn genotypes (31D24, ADASA16, P1429) with biotic strase (S. nonagrioides Lef.) Resistance determined. The study was carried out in open field conditions in Siirt Province in Southeast of Turkey trial sites in three replications in 2015 and 2016 years with randomized blocks divided plot design. The average number of holes per year (2 years) / 100 internodi (number of years) was determined in the 31D24 genotype and the lowest P1429 genotype. However, the longest tunnel length (cm) was detected at the P1429 genotype, the lowest 31D24 genotype. It was determined that the tunnels were opened and fed from the varieties having high number of holes / 100 internods (31D24), but they did not show feeding behavior and the tunnels with long tunnel length (P1429) had long tunnels in the body. The highest yield (1039.83 kg da-1 ) for two years was determined at 31D24 with low live larvae + pupa and low tunnel length. The lowest yield (1008.16 kg da-1 ) was determined in the P1429 genotype with high tunnel length and high viable larvae + pupa. As a result of the research, it can be suggested that the number of holes of genotypes / 100 internodi in biotic strase (S.nonagrioides Lef.) Endurance lines in corn genotype lines, the tunel length and the number of live larvae are used as biotic stress tolerance indicator. Keywords— Full irrigation, Corncob worm (S.nonagrioides Lef.), Maize (Z. mays L.) Population, Tolerance, Turkey References-[1] Kün, E. 1994. TahıllarIı (Sıcak İklim Tahılları). A.Ü. Ziraat Fakültesi Halkla İlişkiler ve Basım Ünitesi. Ankara. 317. [2] Süzer, S., 2003. Trakya Koşullarında Sürdürülebilir Tarımın Toprak Verimliliği ve Ekosistemin Korunmasına Etkileri. Keşan Sempozyumu. 15-16 Mayıs 2003, Keşan. (in turkish) [3] TÜİK, 2016. 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A Normalized Mathematical Model for Optimum Tilt Angles Based on the Desired Solar Fraction Authors: Ala Elwani , Elhadi Dekam, Khairy Agha Abstract- This paper presents a normalized mathematical model that determines the basic factors influencing domestic solar water heating systems, and in specific, discusses the optimum design time as well as the optimum tilt angle of the solar collector, bearing in mind the contribution of the energy obtained to meet the targeted load. The paper considers the required thermal capacity that should be provided by the solar collector. The study is thoroughly based on normalized mathematical parameters. In the case of 100% solar contribution, for heated water temperature of 45oC and consumption of 100 liters/Person per day for a given house sited at Tripoli city, 32.68°N latitude, the optimum design time is the month of December, the optimum tilt angle is 75°, and the solar collector area, fulfilling the following specifications: glazed type, Fr. (τα) = 0.58, a (d Fr UL=4.0(W/m2 . oC), is 2.83 m2 . The results designate an optimum tilt angle of 50°, which is the same angle obtained by the traditional famous technique, and solar collector area of 1.6 m 2 if up to 80% of demand is to be covered by solar energy. Results obtained by RETScreen commercial computer package are compared and validated. Keywords- Domestic Water Heating Systems, Optimum Tilt Angle, Solar Fraction, Solar Collector Area, Capacity Of Storage Unit. References- [1] Agha, k. R. and Sbita, M. N., “On the sizing Parameters of Alone Solar Energy Systems”, Journal of Applied Energy, Vol. 65, 2000, PP. 73-84. [2] Khasawneh, Q. A., Damrab, Q. A., and Salmanb, O. H. B., Determining the Optimum Tilt Angle for Solar Applications in Northern Jordan, Jordan Journal of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Volume 9 Number 3, June-2015, Pages 187 – 193. [3] Zang, H., Wei, M. G. Z., and Sun, G., Determination of the Optimal Tilt Angle of Solar Collectors for Different Climates of China, Journal Of Sustainability, 11 July 2016. [4] Wessley, J. J. G., Narciss Starbell, R., and Sandhya, S., Modelling of Optimal Tilt Angle for Solar Collectors Across Eight Indian Cities, International Journal Of Renewable Energy Research, Vol. 7, No. 1, 2017. [5] Baccoli, R., Mastino, C.C., Innamorati, R., Serra, L., Curreli, S., Ghiani, E., Ricciu, R., and Marini, M., A mathematical model of a solar collector augmented by a flat plate above reflector: Optimum inclination of collector and reflector, Elsevier Ltd., 2015. [6] Wang, S., and Hong, B., Optimum Design of Tilt Angle and Horizontal Direction of Solar Collectors under Obstacle’s Shadow for Building Applications, Journal of Building Construction and Planning Research, 2015, 3, 60-67. [7] Beckman W. A., Klein S. A., and Duffie J. A., A design procedure for solar heating systems, Solar Energy, 1976; 18:113. [8] Klein S. A. and Beckman W. A., A general design method for closed-loop solar energy systems, Solar Energy, 1979; 22:269. [9] Mean monthly solar radiation measurements during the period of 1981-1984, information department, Center for Solar Energy Studies, Tripoli, Libya. [10] Mean monthly temperature data during the period of 1945-1984, meteorological department, international Report, Tripoli, Libya. [11] Hsieh, J. S., Solar Energy Engineering, Prentice-Hall, Inc. (1986). [12] Elwani, A. B., “On Sizing The Main Components Of Solar Domestic Water Heating Systems Under Different Meteorological And Load Conditions”, M. Sc. Thesis, Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Department, University Of Tripoli, Tripoli, Libya, 2013. [13] RETScreen energy model, Solar Water Heating Project, www.retscreen .com |
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Authors: Asukwo Essien Itam, Edak Efiom, Samuel Augustine Ikpe, Maurice Petter Effiong, Wisdom Josph Usoro, Michael Okon Umoh, Michael Ekuru Omeka Abstract- Sediments were sourced from 16 stations along the Ibeno Beach sector of the Atlantic Ocean located in Southeastern Nigeria. The areas of interest included; Inua Eyet Ikot, Nta Ikang and Itak Iban. The textural characteristics of the sediments include: mean grain size (Mz) which ranges from 2.30 to 3.57 with a mean of 2.77 infering fine grain to very fine sands. The graphic standard deviation (Sorting, σI) has a mean value of 0.57 ±0.10 and ranges from 0.38 to 0.70 inferring moderately well sorted to well sorted sediments. Sediments Skewness(SKI) and kurtosis (KG), have ranges values of -0.48 - 0.49 and 0.78-1.50 with mean values of 0.08 ± 0.21 and 0.92 ± 0.22 respectively depicting sediments that are dominantly coarse skewed in nature with kurtosis giving the scenario of platykurtic – leptokurtic. Based on the calculated discriminant function, the sediment of the study area was derived from shallow agitated marine environment (subtidal environment) with some contribution from aeolian processes Keyword-: Discriminant function,Ibeno Beach,Sediments,Shallow agitated marine environment,Textural characteristics References- [1] Friedman G. M., and Sanders J. E., 1978. Principles of Sedimentology. John Wiley and Sons, New York, p. 72 [2] Sathasivama, S,. Kankaraa, R. S., Selvana,S.C., Muthusamya, M ., Samykannua,A. and Bhoopathia , R.,.2015.Textural Characterization of Coastal Sediments along Tamil Nadu Coast, East Coast of India. 8th International Conference on Asian and Pacific Coast. Procedia Engineering. Elsevier,116: 794 – 801 [3] George,U; Efiom ,E and Efanga ,O. 2017. Effects of wind speed and direction on ocean waves along Ibeno Atlantic Ocean. International Journal of Advanced Science and Research .2(4);113-118 [4] Folk R. L. and Ward, W. C. 1957. Brazos River Bar: A study in the significance of grain size parameters. Journal of Sedimentary Petrology. (27), 1957,3-26. [5] Folk R.L (1984). Petrology of sedimentary rocks. Hemphil Publishing Company, Austin Texas, pp190. [6] Itam, A.E; Inyang, D.O; Effiong, M. P;Ukot A. A andUdoaka E.O., 2017.Textural Characteristics of Sediments Along the Qua Iboe River /Estuary Bank, South East, Nigeria. International Journal of Recent Trends in Engineering and Research(IJRTER), 3(1);198-207 [7] Friedman. G.M., 1961). Distinction between dune, beach and river sands from their textural characteristics. Journal of Sedimentary Petrology, Tulsa. USA.31 (2): 514-529 [8] Blott S. J., and Pye, K., 2001. GRADSTAT: A grain size distribution and statistics package for the analysis ofunconsolidated sediments. Earth surfaces processes and landforms, 26, 1237-1248 [9] Karuna T; Jagannadha,T,I ; Rao,M.I; Ganesh ,B.I; Avatharam,P; and Naidu,A., 2013 ..Studies on textural characteritics of ErraKalvaRiver,West Godavari District,Andhra Pradesh,East Coast of India.International Journal Geomatics and Geosciences.4(2). [10] Chauhan, O.S., 1986. Behaviour of Grain Size Characteristics on Relrctive and Dissipative Foreshore, Broken Bay, Australia. Journal of Sedimentary Petrology ,52 pp431-450 [11] Sahu, B., 1964. Depositional mechanism from the size analysis of clastic Sediments. Journalof Sedimentary Petrology, 34(1), 73-83. Tulsa [12] Itam, A. E; Digha, O. N; Effiong, M. P and Ukot, A. A, 2016. Sources contribution to sediment along the Qua Iboe River/Estuary Bank, South East Nigeria. IOSR Journal of Applied Geology and Geophysics, 4(5): 01-06. |
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Bio Removal Potential of Nickel(II) by Different Bacterial Species Authors: T.A.A. El-barbary, M. A El-Badry Abstract– This study is aimed to evaluate the bio removal potential for nickel (II) as a toxic heavy metal for human and plant. So, The ability of Nickel uptake by metal-resistant five different types of bacterial species well identified and had previously work heavy metal, copper and zinc bio removal as Bacillus megaterium EMCC 1013, Rhizobium rhizogenes EMCC1743, Rhizobium leguminosarum EMCC1130, Azotobacter vinelandii and Nocardiopsis Dassenvillei were evaluated their potential activity in bio removal of nickel (II). Our results showed that five bacterial species have great variation potential for nickel (II) bio removal. Bacillus megaterium EMCC has the highest potential for bio removal of nickel 10 ml of 600ppm with 26.67 % removal after 24 h with inoculum size 0.1 x 10 29 Cu and incubation temperature 30 °C at PH 7 and energy source glucose and ammonium oxalate as carbon and nitrogen source. The aim of our study was to evaluate the bio removal capacity of nickel as a toxic heavy metal by five different bacterial species to use them in further study in removal of nickel (II) from electroplating waste water. In addition Bacillus megaterium EMCC as the most potent nickel (II) resistant microorganisms will very useful in biotechnology for the remediation of metal contaminated environments with nickel and can also be used in the construction of biomarkers for the detection of nickel (II) ions. Key words– Bioremoval, Bacillus megaterium, waste industry, Nickel References- [1] Hong, Y. C., Azad, H. R., & Cooksey, D. A. (1996). 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Journal of Basic Microbiology, 48, 195–201 1 2 3 4 5 10 15 20 25 30 Aspragine Glycine Amm Oxalate Amm Sulphate Amm Chloride Removal, % Nitrogen Source Nocardia Azo BM RR RL 1 2 3 4 0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 30 Dextrose [6] Eccles, H. (1995). Removal of heavy metals from effluents streams—Why select a biological process? International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation, 35, 5– 16. [7] Shakoori, A. R., & Qureshi, F. (2000). Cadmium resistant bacteria from industrial effluents and their role in environmental clean-up. Pakistan Journal of Zoology, 32, 165–172 [8] Feng, D., & Aldrich, C. (2004). Adsorption of heavy metals by biomaterials derived from the marine alga Ecklonia maxima. Hydrometallurgy, 73, 1–10. [9] Shakoori, A. R., Rehman, A., & Haq, R. U. (2004). Multiple metal resistance in the ciliate protozoan, Vorticella microstoma, isolated from industrial effluents and its potential in bioremediation of toxic wastes. 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J water Resource Protec 2012, 4:1–11 [18] Alboghobeish, H., Tahmourespour, A. and Doudi M. 2014: The study of Nickel Resistant Bacteria (NiRB) isolated from wastewaters polluted with different industrial sources. Journal of Environmental Health Science & Engineering 2014 12:44 [19] Stanley HO, Ihennacho CM, Stanley CN (2017) Bioremoval of Heavy Metals from Effluent of Port Harcourt Refinery Using Pluerotus ostreatus. J Pet Environ Biotechnol 7: 324 |
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Palladium Film Via Zinc Oxide Film Hydrogen Detector Author : Dr. Albashir Zomrawi Abstract— In this work, a comparison was carried out between two thin film hydrogen detector designs depend on the Palladium and Zinc Oxide coated on glass thin film that adept to detect hydrogen gas. Four samples have been prepared; two of them prepared from palladium metal and two other samples prepared from Zinc Oxide. Palladium and Zinc Oxide thin films were prepared on glass substrates. The films were constructed by vaporization deposition technique, which subjects to three tests. The X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) to check the crystalline structure of the samples, Atomic Force Microscope (AFM) to study the surface flatness of samples, and the scanning electron microscope (SEM) to take images of surface topography of samples. A polymer test chamber was fabricated to contain the sample. The approach of the manufacture the sensor based on passing the gas to the chamber, which adsorbs on the sample (Palladium, or Zinc Oxide), and the light is transmitted through the sample to the CCS spectrometer to measure and recorded the signal using computer. Six readings were recorded for each sample test under pressures of -0.6, -0.5, -0.4, -0.3, -0.2 and -0.1 bar. Frequencies against transmitted light intensity were then plotted for each measurement. From the data recorded. Results showed that, by increase of concentration of hydrogen gas in the test chamber, the sensitivity increase linearly as the gas concentration increase. This result means that, Zinc Oxide and Palladium thin film samples successfully detect hydrogen gas. Keywords— Detector, Palladium, Semiconductor, Spectrometer, Thin-Film, Zinc Oxide. References- [1] A. Sanger, A. Kumar, A. Kumar, R. Chandra, Highly sensitive and selective hydrogen gas sensor using sputtered grown Pd decorated MnO2 nanowalls, Sens. Actuators B: Chem. 234 (2016) 8–14, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.snb. 2016.04.152. [2] Al bashir Zomrawi, A. M. Awadelgied, S. F. Abdalah, K. Al Naimee, ―Palladium Film Chemical Sensor‖, International Journal of Innovation in Science and MathematicsVolume 2, Issue 2, ISSN (Online): 2347–9051. [3] Dr.Albashir Zomrawi, Dr. A. M. Awadelgied, Dr. S. F. Abdalah and K. Al Naimee ―Development of Hydrogen Zinc Oxide Film Sensor‖, International Journal of Trend in Research and Development, Volume 4(2), ISSN: 2394-9333 Mar-Apr 2017 [4] Nor Akmar Mohd Yahya , Mohd Rashid Yusof Hamid , Siti Azlida Ibrahim, , Boon Hoong Ong , Norizah Abdul Rahman , Ahmad Rifqi Md Zain , Mohd Adzir Mahdi , Mohd Hanif Yaacob, ―H2 sensor based on tapered optical fiber coated with MnO2 nanostructures‖ Sensors and Actuators B 246 (2017) 421–427. [5] Ram B. Gupta. ―Hydrogen Fuel Production, Transport, and Storage‖. Edited by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC-2009 . [6] Thomas, R.C. and Hughes, R.C., ―Sensors for Detecting Molecular Hydrogen Based on Pd Metal Alloys‖, Journal of Electrochemical Society, 144(9), 3245, 1997. [7] V.E. Bochenkov, G.B. Sergeev, Sensitivity, selectivity, and stability of gas-sensitive metal-oxide, Nanostructures 3 (2010) 31–52. [8] Spector, A. Z. 1989. Achieving application requirements. In Distributed Systems, S. Mullende |
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An Improved Encryption Algorithm to Secure SMS Data Author: Nikhil, Nitin Choudhary Abstract: Utilization of effective data transfer capacities plays an imperative job on SMS messages in versatile correspondences. At the same time securing SMS information is likewise a critical one. In the present digital world huge volumes of information is transferring between end users as SMS (Short Message Service) through mobile devices. Each SMS data mostly is comprised of simple text characters which are sent in the form of plain text. Mobile devices also place a limit on each SMS up to 160 characters. SMS data sent by subscriber A is stored at service center of service provider before it is delivered to the subscriber B. To accomplish the desired task cryptography mechanism is implemented which gives better security on SMS data. I have first implemented FECTSD [22] algorithm and found that author did not use any compression technique and the algorithm is easy to break or guess the keyword as avalanche effect of an algorithm is very low. The aim of this research work is to build up a powerful and secure cryptography algorithm against various sorts of attacks. The strength and security in expanded by Generation of Random number by adding ASCII value of key character followed by modulo of key length. Appropriately an effective plan is created here that are having better execution time and avalanche Effect against a broad assortment of assaults. The outcomes appear that our proposed security algorithm has less complexity as compare to A Fast Encryption and compression technique on SMS data (FECTSD) (2018) Keywords - Encryption, decryption, plain text, cipher text, symmetric key and Block cipher. 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[14] Shyue-Kung Lu, Hei-Ming Chuang, Guan-Ying Lai, Bi-Ting Lai, Ya-Chen Huang, “Efficient test pattern compression techniques 1216 This full-text paper was peer-reviewed and accepted to be presented at the IEEE WiSPNET 2017 conference. based on complementary huffman coding,” in 2009 IEEE Circuits and Systems International Conference on Testing and Diagnosis, pp. 1–4,Year 2009 [15] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Information_Theory. [16] http://en.wikipedia.org/Arithmetic_Coding. [17] Sushil Kumar, Sarita S. Bhadauria, Roopam Gupta, “A Temporal Database Compression with Differential Method,” Journal of Computer Applications, vol. 48, no. 6, 2012, DOI: 10.5120/7356- 0273. [18] Ramesh Makala, “Quin Stage Bio-Cryptographic Technique for Informatin Security,” in Procedings of International Conference on Research in Engineering, Computers and Techonology (ICRECGT2016), NIT Trichy, Tamilnadu, India, Year: 2016, pp. 77–83. [19] M. Ramesh, B. Hemanth Kumar, M. Surendra Babu, “An indirect encryption using compression with random bit stuffing,” International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technologies, vol. 6, no. 3, pp. 2142–2144. [20] Goce Jakimoski, K. P. Subbalakshmi, “Cryptanalysis of some multimedia encryption schemes,” IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, vol. 10, no. 3, pp. 330–338, Year: 2008. [21] Ramesh Makala, Venkateswarlu Bezawada and Ranganath Ponnaboyina “A Fast Encryption and Compression Technique on SMS Data” IEEE WiSPNET 2017 conference,2017 [22] Makala, Ramesh, Venkateswarlu Bezawada, and Ranganath Ponnaboyina. "A fast encryption and compression technique on SMS data." Wireless Communications, Signal Processing and Networking (WiSPNET), 2017 International Conference on. IEEE, 2017. [23] Coppersmith, Don. "The Data Encryption Standard (DES) and its strength against attacks." IBM journal of research and development 38.3 (1994): 243-250. [24] William, Stallings. "Cryptography and network security: principles and practice." Prentice-Hall, Inc (1999): 23-50. [25] A. Forouzan.,: " Cryptography and Network Security ", First Edition. McGraw-Hill, (2007), USA [26] S .Maret," Cryptography Basics PKI ", First Edition. Dimension Data SA, ., (1999):, Switzerland. [27] W .Stallings, “Cryptography and network security, Principles and practices ", Fourth Edition.Pearson Prentice Hall, (2006), USA. |
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Hydrological Determination of Turbomachinery Potential in Current Author: Levent Yilmaz Abstract: Utilization of effective data transfer capacities plays an imperative job on SMS messages in versatile correspondences. At the same time securing SMS information is likewise a critical one. In the present digital world huge volumes of information is transferring between end users as SMS (Short Message Service) through mobile devices. Each SMS data mostly is comprised of simple text characters which are sent in the form of plain text. Mobile devices also place a limit on each SMS up to 160 characters. SMS data sent by subscriber A is stored at service center of service provider before it is delivered to the subscriber B. To accomplish the desired task cryptography mechanism is implemented which gives better security on SMS data. I have first implemented FECTSD [22] algorithm and found that author did not use any compression technique and the algorithm is easy to break or guess the keyword as avalanche effect of an algorithm is very low. The aim of this research work is to build up a powerful and secure cryptography algorithm against various sorts of attacks. The strength and security in expanded by Generation of Random number by adding ASCII value of key character followed by modulo of key length. Appropriately an effective plan is created here that are having better execution time and avalanche Effect against a broad assortment of assaults. The outcomes appear that our proposed security algorithm has less complexity as compare to A Fast Encryption and compression technique on SMS data (FECTSD) (2018) Keywords - Encryption, decryption, plain text, cipher text, symmetric key and Block cipher. References- [1] Sophia Yakoubov, Vijay Gadepally, Nabil Schear, Emily Shen, and Arkady Yerukhimovich, A survey of cryptographic approaches to securing big-data analytics in the cloud,” in 2014 IEEE High Performance Extreme Computing Conference (HPEC), pp. l–6, Year: 2014. [2] Ali Makki Sagheer, Ayoob Abdulmunem, Abdul hameed, and Mohammed Adeeb AbdulJabbar, “SMS Security for Smartphone,” in 2013 Sixth International Conference on Developments in eSystems Engineering, Year: 2013, pp. 281–285. [3] Ayadi Wael and Seddik Hassene, “A new SMS encryption algorithm based on hyper chaotic system,” in 2016 Second International Conference on Advanced Technologies for Signal and Image Processing (ATSIP), Year: 2016, pp. 57–62. [4] Shraddha N. Karale, Kalyani Pendke, Prashant Dahiwale, “The survey of various techniques & algorithms for SMS security,” in 2015 International Conference on Innovations in Information, Embedded and Communication Systems (ICIIECS), Year: 2015, pp. 1–6. [5] B. N. 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[14] Shyue-Kung Lu, Hei-Ming Chuang, Guan-Ying Lai, Bi-Ting Lai, Ya-Chen Huang, “Efficient test pattern compression techniques 1216 This full-text paper was peer-reviewed and accepted to be presented at the IEEE WiSPNET 2017 conference. based on complementary huffman coding,” in 2009 IEEE Circuits and Systems International Conference on Testing and Diagnosis, pp. 1–4,Year 2009 [15] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Information_Theory. [16] http://en.wikipedia.org/Arithmetic_Coding. [17] Sushil Kumar, Sarita S. Bhadauria, Roopam Gupta, “A Temporal Database Compression with Differential Method,” Journal of Computer Applications, vol. 48, no. 6, 2012, DOI: 10.5120/7356- 0273. [18] Ramesh Makala, “Quin Stage Bio-Cryptographic Technique for Informatin Security,” in Procedings of International Conference on Research in Engineering, Computers and Techonology (ICRECGT2016), NIT Trichy, Tamilnadu, India, Year: 2016, pp. 77–83. [19] M. Ramesh, B. Hemanth Kumar, M. Surendra Babu, “An indirect encryption using compression with random bit stuffing,” International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technologies, vol. 6, no. 3, pp. 2142–2144. [20] Goce Jakimoski, K. P. Subbalakshmi, “Cryptanalysis of some multimedia encryption schemes,” IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, vol. 10, no. 3, pp. 330–338, Year: 2008. [21] Ramesh Makala, Venkateswarlu Bezawada and Ranganath Ponnaboyina “A Fast Encryption and Compression Technique on SMS Data” IEEE WiSPNET 2017 conference,2017 [22] Makala, Ramesh, Venkateswarlu Bezawada, and Ranganath Ponnaboyina. "A fast encryption and compression technique on SMS data." Wireless Communications, Signal Processing and Networking (WiSPNET), 2017 International Conference on. IEEE, 2017. [23] Coppersmith, Don. "The Data Encryption Standard (DES) and its strength against attacks." IBM journal of research and development 38.3 (1994): 243-250. [24] William, Stallings. "Cryptography and network security: principles and practice." Prentice-Hall, Inc (1999): 23-50. [25] A. Forouzan.,: " Cryptography and Network Security ", First Edition. McGraw-Hill, (2007), USA [26] S .Maret," Cryptography Basics PKI ", First Edition. Dimension Data SA, ., (1999):, Switzerland. [27] W .Stallings, “Cryptography and network security, Principles and practices ", Fourth Edition.Pearson Prentice Hall, (2006), USA. |
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Passive House. Concept Description Authors: George-Lucian IONESCU, Gheorghe Constantin IONESCU Abstract- This paper has the purpose of defining the concept of "passive house", alongside the energetic advantages such a building has. The content presented herein outlines the main focuses of passive house construction procedure, describing the notion of „building envelope”, as well as base notions regarding the sealing method of a passive house by means of eliminating the negative thermal bridges. Keywords- passive house, energy efficiency. References- [1] Căluşaru Ionela Mihaela, Costache Adrian, Băran Nicolae, Ionescu George-Lucian, Donţu Octavian 2013 A New Solution to Increase the Performance of the Water Oxygenation Process – Revista de Chimie 64, nr. 10, Bucureşti, pg. 1143-1145
[4] Iancău Marcel 2013 Contribuții privind optimizarea energetică a clădirilor individuale de locuit din România – Teză de Doctorat. [5] Ionescu George 2017 Lucian, Instalații pentru construcții, Editura MatrixRom – Bucureşti,ISBN 978-606-25-0311-6, 2. [6] Ionescu Gheorghe 2008 Constantin, Ionescu Daniela – Smaranda – Increasing the efficiency of water supply systems by optimizing the electrical energy consumption - The 19th DAAAM INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM “Intelligent Manufacturing & Automation” 22-25th October – Trnava, SLOVAKIA ISSN 1726-9687. [7] Mirel Ion, Florescu Constantin, Girbaciu Alina, Girbaciu Cristian, Dumitru Pavel, Dan Sorin, Ionescu George – Lucian 2015 Effects of qantitative changes on drinking water quality indicators of urban distribution networks – Revista de Materiale Plastice, ISSN 0025 – 5289, Vol. 52, nr. 4/2015, pg. 504 – 509 |
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