Editorial Board

Volume 5, Issue 10, Oct 2016 (Title of Paper )

Page No.

Load Balancing Over Cloud Computing

Author: Sangeeta Devi

Abstract- Nowadays load balancing has become a popular platform for scientific applications. Load balancing intends to share many number of hardware resources as like equipment‟s for record and calculations, and information and knowledge data for scientific researches over cloud computing. Load balancing algorithm is one of the most challenging theoretical issues in the computing field. How we can utilize computing resources very effectively and increase user satisfaction with load balancing system is one of the calculating service provider‟s main issues. Some intensive researches have been done in the area of load balancing of computing resources. In this research work we have proposed Hybrid Algorithm in computing. In order to achieve our proposal we will execute this work as the following steps. First of all, we will declare some task which we want to execute that store in cloud database. Then, according to the tasks selection, we will select the exegete branch of the function and calculate the deserved evaluation. A hybrid algorithm is combination of FCFS and Priority concept. Reflection of the hybrid algorithm about to select local optimum is representing best performance. Compare to other methods like FCFS, it is found that there is less time consumption in complete execution of submitted tasks and increases the user satisfaction.

Keyword: - Cloud Computing, FCFS, Priority Queue, Hybrid Approach.


[1] Masoud Nosrati Ronak Karimi Mehdi Hariri, “Task Scheduling Algorithms Introduction” World Applied Programming, Vol. (2), Issue (6), June 2012

[2] Pinky Rosemarry, Ravinder Singh, Payal Singhal and Dilip Sisodia,“Grouping Based Job Scheduling Algorithm Using Priority Queue and Hybrid Algorithm In Grid Computing” International Journal of Grid Computing & Applications (IJGCA) Vol.3, No.4, December 2012

[3]Neeraj Kumar, Nirvikar,“Performance Improvement Using CPU Scheduling Algorithm-SRT”, International Journal of Emerging Trends & Technology in Computer Science, Volume 2, Issue 2, March – April 2013

[4]Arezou Mohammadi and Selim G. Akl,“Scheduling Algorithms for Real-Time Systems”, School of Computing, Queen’s University, Canada

[5] Sukumar Babu Bandarupalli1, Neelima Priyanka Nutulapati, Prof. Dr. P. Suresh Varma, “A Novel CPU Scheduling Algorithm- Preemptive & Non-Preemptive” International Journal of Modern Engineering Research, Vol.2, Issue.6, Nov-Dec. 2012

[6] Deepali Maste, Leena Ragha and Nilesh Marathe,“Intelligent Dynamic Time Quantum Allocation in MLFQ Scheduling”International Journal of Information and Computation Technology, Volume 3, Number 4 2013


Review on Design Basics of Industrial Application Gear Box

Authors: Sharad Bhika Jadhav, Hitesh Kailas Kapadnis, Prof. A. B .Bhane

Abstract- An industrial gearbox is defined as a machine for the majority of drives requiring a reliable life and factor of safety, and with the pitch line velocity of the gears limited to below 25 m/s, as opposed to mass produced gearboxes designed for a specific duty and stressed to the limit, or used for very high speeds etc., e.g. automobile, aerospace, marine gearboxes. A gear box is an mechanical device that is used for speed & torque conversions from prime mover to output shaft. As the speed of shaft increases the torque transmitted decreases and vice versa. To the competent engineer, the design of a gear unit, like any other machine, may seem a fairly easy task. However without experience in this field the designer cannot be expected to cover all aspects of gearbox design. The purpose of this paper is to review the basic design for an industrial gearbox. It should help the researcher not familiar with gear boxes, lay out a reliable working design. And it is intended for the reader to use his own experience in selecting formulae, stress values etc., for gearbox and components.

Keywords- Gear Box, Design, Types.


[1] Tim Anderson.” Basics of Gearbox Selection” STOBER Drives Inc. Maysville, Ky

[2] Andrzej Maciejczyk , Zbigniew Zdziennicki, “Design Basic Of Industrial Gear Boxes ” Technical University Of Lodz. Department of Vehicles and Fundaments of Machine Design.

[3] Dudley D. W., Handbook of Practical Gear Design, CRC PRESS 1994

[4] Shigley J. E., Mischke Ch. R., Brown Th. H. Jr, Standard Handbook of Machine Design, McGraw Hill 2004.

[5] Design Basics of Industrial Gear Boxes(Calculation and Design Case Example), Andrzej Maciejczyk Zbigniew Zdziennicki.

[6] International Journal of Computer & Optimization Trends- Volume 2, Issue-4, November 1-July 2012, “Design of an a six speed geabox.” Mr.RaguramR.
