Editorial Board

Volume 4, Issue 4, April 2015 (Title of Paper )

Page No.

Ensuring Secure Cloud Premises : An Approach Towards Enhancing Security

Authors: Nirmla Sen, Monali Sahu

Abstract-- The concept of Cloud Computing comprises of many computers which are connected through a real time network like that of internet. Cloud computing is a dynamic delivery of information technology resources and capabilities as a service over the internet. It is a style of computing in which dynamically scalable and often virtualized resources are provided as a service over the internet. Cloud provides facility to share distributed resources and services that belong to different organizations or sites. In this paper we have proposed an innovative technique for generating a dynamic password which is applied to authenticate the cloud computing platform. The Proposed technique is based on the one time password generated through a device.

Keywords- Cryptography, Public Key, Encrypted one time password.


[1] M.A.Alzain, E.Pardede, B.Soh, J.A.Thom: “Cloud Computing Security: From Single To Multi Clouds”, 45th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences,2012.

[2] D. Linthicum, “Selecting the right cloud,” book excerpt, InfoWorld Cloud Computing Deep Dive, InfoWorld, Sept 2009

[3] Rongxing et al, “Secure Provenance: The Essential Bread and Butter of Data Forensics in Cloud Computing”, ASIACCS„10, Beijing, China.

[4] Soren Bleikertz et al, “Security Audits of Multi-tier Virtual Infrastructures in Public Infrastructure Clouds”, CCSW 2010, Chicago, USA.

[5] [6] Atul Kahate, Cryptography and Network Security , Tata McGrawHill Publishing Company Limited.

[7] William Stallings, “Cryptography and Network Security Principles and Practices”, Prentice Hall, New Delhi.


[9] H:B Kekre,V.A Bharadi , International Journal of Intelligent



Electricity Generation by Application of Foot Pressure on Floor Tiles

Authors: Kshirsagar A.T., Bhadane Y.B., Shewale S.S., Tirse S.S., Deore R.S., Bhane A.B.

Abstract— In India there is major problem of electricity which faced by people who lives in country. Electricity generation by floor tiles is an inventive and very useful concept. Electricity is the form of energy and it is basic part of nature. We get electricity, by primary sources like coal, natural gas, oil, nuclear power and other natural sources and here we generate electricity, which is the secondary source. The modern equipments and advancement rely on the electricity in this technological reign. Electricity acts as a essential backbone to this achievements. Calculate all the losses which caused by the shortage of electricity! Now there are more methods for generation of electricity. Generating of electricity from floor tiles or foot step is the eco-friendly method. Power crisis is one of the major topics to be discussed. The solution for this problem is that using of renewable resources. From this renewable resource we can generate electricity. The only resource that has not been utilised, is human resource. With suitable method the expected amount of power is tapped out from the human resource. We have utilised the human power to production of electricity, also we have uses a mechanical setups with small scales under flooring system. When the people walk over the floor platform, by application of human weight pressure the displacement of floor tile is done, due to that electricity is generated and this energy is stored in battery. This method will an efficient output if it is installed in countries where population is more. As per strategy, large power can be tapped out with the installation of this equipment.

Keywords— Electricity generation, pressure, spring, gear train.


[1] R.S. Khurmi, “Machine Design” S.Chand Publication, 32th Edition, 2010 pp 509-512,820-832.

[2] V.B.Bhandari, “Design Of Machine Element” Tata McGraw Hill Publication, 22th edition, 2004, pp 283-322.

[3] P.C.Sharma, Non-conventional power Breaker is now a source of power, Public printing service, New Delhi, 2003.

[4] Gagan Bal, Rayan Epp, Jitesh Bhogal “An Investigation into pavegen Energy Generating Steps at the New Student Union Building” University of British Columbia, APSC 261, November 24, 2011.

[5] Pranav Sreedharan Veliyara, Rajesh Kannan Megalingam, Raghavendra Murli Prabhu, Rocky Katoch, “Pedal Power Generation”. Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham University, International Journal of Applied engineering Research, ISSN 0973-4562 Vol.7 No.11 (2012).


Recent Technologies in Automobiles: Need of Motorised Screw Jack: A Review

Authors: Pawar R. R., Shinde M. S., Shinde A. B., Garde M. B., Bhane A.B.

Abstract— The purpose of this paper is to design a screw jack which is easy for operating, safe and able to lift and lowering the car without spending much effort. Available car jacks are typically manually operated and therefore require more physical effort on the part of the user. Such jacks creates difficulties for the elderly, handicapped, and women’s. Disadvantageous in bad weather conditions. And this is a waste of time and even will endanger if jacking and changing the tire is in hurry. So, for that reason electrical-powered jacks not only remove the task of lifting an Automobile via manually operated jacks, but also decrease the time needed to repair the automobile. This is a review of one type of automation project.

Keywords – D.C motor, Gear & pinion, Lifting Arm, On/Off switch, Power screw, Speed reduction.


[1] Bansal, R.K.(2012),” Strength of materials” Revised Edition, LAXMI PUBLICATION(P) LTD.

[2] Khurmi, R.S. and Gupta, J.K. (2005), “A Textbook of Machine Design”, Eurasia Publishing House (P.V.T) Ltd.14th Edition.

[3] Thomas J. Prather, US. “Vehicle lift system” United States Patent Issued on January 6, 2009, Patent Number: US 7472889 B1.

[4] Farhad Razzaghi, US. “Apparatus and method for an electric jack” United States Patent Issued on November 8, 2007, Patent Number: US 2007/0256526 A1.

[5] Manoj Patil, Gaurav Udgirkar, Rajesh Patil and Nilesh, “Automated Car Jack”, International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology (Vol.4, No.4, Aug 2014) E-ISSN 2277 – 4106, P-ISSN 2347 – 5161.

[6] Lokhande Tarachand G., Chatpalliwar Ashwin S. And Bhoyar Amar A., “Optimizing Efficiency of Square Threaded Mechanical Screw Jack by Varying Helix Angle”, International Journal of Modern Engineering Research (IJMER)( Vol.2, Issue.1, Jan-Feb 2012 pp504-508) ISSN: 2249-6645


Modeling and Simulation of Multi-Drive Clutch

Authors: Karanjkar A. S., Barve P. C., Adhav R. B., Pandey M. D., Londhe B. C., Bhane A. B.

Abstract— The transmission of power from driving shaft to driven shaft is generally carried out by clutch. Hence the mechanism used in the clutch assembly plays an important role in the power transmission. One of the vital system of the automobile is clutch system. The occurrence of slippage between the friction plate and flywheel generates excessive amount of heat energy which leads to the rise in the temperature at their operating surface. Due to this continuous action clutch system undergoes surface thermo-mechanical deformation and also there are burnout and wear-out chances. In this paper the clutch is designed by combining centrifugal action in single plate clutch transmission mechanism, to overcome above drawbacks. Various transmission model of clutch is prepared by using modelling software NX-CAD unigraphics.

Keywords— Assembly, NX-CAD, Slippage, Thermomechanical deformation, Transmission.


[1] Sagar Olekar, Kiran Chaudhary,”Structural analysis of multiplate clutch”, international journal of mechanical and civil engineering(IOSR),volume number 10, issue 1(nov-dec2013).

[2] Prashil M. Mhaiskar, Nitin D. Bhusale, Mayur D. Pastapure,"Vibration Analysis of Dry Friction Clutch Disc by Using Finite Element Method",International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)-Vol. 3 Issue 1, January - 2014

[3] Aseesh chintala1, R. Lalitha Narayana, Ch. Srinivas,"Modelling, Simulation and Control of an Automotive Clutch System",International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)-Vol. 2 Issue 12,December - 2013

[4] Anil Jadhav, Gauri Salvi, Santosh Ukamnal, Prof.P.Baskar,"Static Structural Analysis of Multiplate Clutch with Different Friction Materials",International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)-Vol. 2 Issue 11, November – 2013

[5] Mr.Vishal J.Deshbhratar, Mr.Nagnath U.Kakde,"Design and Structural Analysis of Single Plate Friction Clutch",International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)-Vol. 2 Issue 10, October – 2013

[6] Prof.Nitinchandra R.Patel, Sanketkumar Dalwadi, Vijay Thakor,Manish Bamaniya,"design of centrifugal clutch by alternative approaches used in different applications",International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology-Vol. 1, Issue IV, April 2013


Mechanical Operated Non-Return Break for Heavy Duty Vehicle

Authors: Gunjal. P.S., Landge S.R., Walunj P.D, Rasal S.E., Shinde R.S., Bhane A.B.

Abstract— In this study, while climbing of hill in ghat section due to higher gradiability and loading condition most of the time commercial vehicle fail to climb the ghat section, they may come return or most of the driver used stone or wooden blocks to avoid such situation and after completion of ghat they kept stone as it is. This may be responsible for accident of other road users or in other situation the vehicle subject to accident. By this concept we develop simple ratchet and pawl mechanism along with brake system of heavy duty vehicle. This will avoid reverse motion of vehicle while climbing of ghat section, also its overcome driver effort to stop the vehicle and reduce load on braking system and transmission system along with engine.

Keywords— Ratchet and pawl, Hand lever, Wheel drum, Stype mechanism, Brake cable.


[1] R.P.Feynman, R.B.Leighton, and M.Sands, The Feynman lectures on physics (Addison-Wesley, Reading, Massachusetts, 1966), Vol.1, chapter 46.

[2] Dr. kirpal Singh, Automobile Engineering, Vol.1, 12th Edition 2011,

[3] Kennedy J.A, “Compliant, In-Plane Ratchet and Pawl Micromechanisms for Safety Applications,” M.S. Thesis, Brigham Young University, December 2003.

[4] Cannon, J.R., Lusk, C.P., and Howell, L.L., “Complaint RollingContact Element Mechanism,” Proceedings of the2005 ASME Mechanisms and Robotics Conference, DETC2005-84073.

[5] Cannon, J.R. and Howell,L.L., “A Compliant Contact-aided Revolute Joint,” Mechanism and Machine Theory, Vol. 40, No 11, pp. 1273-1293,2005.


The Dual Stroke Can Crusher

Authors: Khanapure Laxmikant R., Patil Vijay S., Madhawai Dnyaneshwar A., Navale Ashutosh L., Dokfode A.B., Bhane A. B.

Abstract- In this study, the dual stroke can crusher is crush the empty cans and it is designed for crushing aluminium cans only. This device used for crushing aluminium cans for easier storage in recycling bins thereby giving an extra space by flattening of cans. The single slider crank mechanism is the backbone of this project. This project is about designing and fabricating the aluminium Can Crusher to crush the can and transfer it to anywhere. The special feature of this project is automatic removal of crushed can from the crushing site and also automatic feed of new cans to be crushed without human intervention.

Keywords-- Can Crusher, Ram, Two electric motors and 12-V DC battery.


[1] Design Data Book – PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore

[2] Machine Design by FarazdakHaideri,volume 1 and 2,Nirali prakashan

[3] Machine design by V.B.Bhandari

[4] Theory of machines by R.S.Khurmi and J.K.Gupta, S.Chand publications

[5] Wikipedia:Beverage can,

[6] Cristinshroff, environmental sector design, Amatral/ Inc(b), 2009

[7] AmanBhavisvak, ViharDoshi, Automatic Can Crusher, Ganpat University, 2012.

[8] Alen Fisher, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, San Jose State University, 2013.

[9] Cristopher Bakey, Justin Prior, Commercial Can Crusher, Endson Publication, 2007.


Simplistic Analysis of Wireless Sensor Networks Threats and Counter Measures for Different Protocols

Authors: G.Aswan Kumar, Balwinder Singh, Krishna Kanth, Sirisha

Abstract— Wireless Sensor networks (WSN) is an emerging technology and have great potential to be employed in critical situations like battlefields and commercial applications such as building, traffic surveillance, habitat monitoring and smart homes and many more scenarios. One of the major challenges wireless sensor networks face today is security. While the deployment of sensor nodes in an unattended environment makes the networks vulnerable to a variety of potential attacks, the inherent power and memory limitations of sensor nodes makes conventional security solutions unfeasible. The sensing technology combined with processing power and wireless communication makes it profitable for being exploited in great quantity in future. The wireless communication technology also acquires various types of security threats. This paper discusses a wide variety of attacks in WSN and their classification mechanisms and different securities available to handle them including the challenges faced.

Keywords—Wireless Sensor Networks, Attacks, Wormhole Attack, Sensor Nodes, Sinkhole attack


[1] A. Perrig, J. Stankovic, and D. Wagner, "Security in wireless sensor networks," Commun. ACM, vol. 47, pp. 53-57, 2004.

[2] A.-S. K. P. and, H.-W. L. and, and C. S. Hong, "Security in Wireless Sensor Networks: Issues and Challenges," CoRR, vol. abs/0712.4169, p. 1043, 2007.

[3] D. B. and and T. Newe, "Securing Wireless Sensor Networks: Security Architectures," JNW, vol. 3, pp. 65-77, 2008.

[4] M. R. K. Amin Reza Sedghi, "Data Security via Public-Key Cryptography in Wireless Sensor Network," International Journal on Cybernetics & Informatics ( IJCI) vol. 2, 2013.

[5] A. Singla and R. Sachdeva, "Review on Security Issues and Attacks in Wireless Sensor Networks," International Journal, vol. 3, 2013.

[6] Q. I. Sarhana, "Security Attacks and Countermeasures for Wireless Sensor Networks: Survey," International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology, vol. 3, 2013.

[7] Y. Hao, L. Haiyun, Y. Fan, L. Songwu, and Z. Lixia, "Security in mobile ad hoc networks: challenges and solutions," Wireless Communications, IEEE, vol. 11, pp. 38-47, 2004.

[8] M. Saraogi, "SECURITY IN WIRELESS SENSOR NETWORKS," presented at the SenSys - Conference On Embedded Networked Sensor Systems.

[9] M. K. Jain, "Wireless sensor networks: Security issues and challenges," International Journal of Computer and Information Technology, vol. 2, pp. 62-67, 2011.

[10] S. Capkun and J. P. Hubaux, "Secure positioning in wireless networks," Selected Areas in Communications, IEEE Journal on, vol. 24, pp. 221-232, 2006.

[11] W. Stallings, Cryptography and Network Security: Principles and Practice: Prentice Hall Press, 2010.

[12] X. Wang, W. Gu, K. Schosek, S. Chellappan, and D. Xuan, "Sensor Network Configuration Under Physical Attacks," in Networking and Mobile Computing. vol. 3619, X. Lu and W. Zhao, Eds., ed: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2005, pp. 23-32.

[13] Anthony D. Wood and J. A. Stankovic., "Denial of service in sensor networks," Computer, vol. 35, pp. 54-62, 2002.

[14] M. Y. Malik, "An Outline of Security in Wireless Sensor Networks: Threats,Countermeasures and Implementations," CoRR, vol. abs/1301.3022, 2013.

[15] J. Sen, "Security and Privacy Challenges in Cognitive Wireless Sensor Networks," in Cognitive Radio Technology Applications for Wireless and Mobile Ad Hoc Networks, ed: IGI Global, 2013, pp. 194-232.

[16] S. P. Prabhudutta Mohanty, Nityananda Sarma, Siddhartha Sankar Satapathy, "SECURITY ISSUES IN WIRELESS SENSOR NETWORK DATA GATHERING PROTOCOLS: A SURVEY.," Journal of Theoretical & Applied Information Technology, vol. 13, pp. 14-27, 2010.

[17] C. Karlof and D. Wagner, "Secure routing in wireless sensor networks: attacks and countermeasures," in Sensor Network Protocols and Applications, 2003. Proceedings of the First IEEE. 2003 IEEE International Workshop on, 2003, pp. 113- 127.

[18] J. Newsome, E. Shi, D. Song, and A. Perrig, "The sybil attack in sensor networks: analysis & defenses," presented at the Proceedings of the 3rd international symposium on Information processing in sensor networks, Berkeley, California, USA, 2004.

[19] M. Pooja , Dr. Yudhvir Singh, "Security Issues and Sybil Attack in Wireless Sensor Networks," International Journal of P2P Network Trends and Technology, vol. 3, 2013.

[20] A. Jain, K. Kant, and M. R. Tripathy, "Security Solutions for Wireless Sensor Networks," presented at the Proceedings of the 2012 Second International Conference on Advanced Computing & Communication Technologies, 2012.


Air Conditioning System Using Vehicle Suspension

Authors: Borse S.H., Satpute A.G., Mude J.M., Pokale R.S., Wabale A. D., Bhane A.B.

Abstract— Now a day we have required fuel efficient car. But the engine of the cars is not efficient when the load on car is high. For this purpose we have reduce the load on engine that is to run the AC and Compressor. Instead of engine power we are used the suspension system for producing compressed air and AC effect Vice- Versa. Current air-conditioning systems can reduce the fuel economy of high fuel economy vehicles. And also in previous days there is wastage of energy in suspension system that is linear motion of suspension system, which is also use for compress the air by using piston-cylinder arrangement. By using this compress air we can run AC system in the car and save fuel economy

Keywords— Vehicle Suspension, Compress Air Production, AC System, Air Suspension


[1] Papson, A.; Creutzig, F.; Schipper, Low Compressed air vehicles: Drive-cycle analysis of vehicle performance, environmental impacts, and economic costs. Transp. Res. Rec. J. Transp. Res. Board 2010, 2191, 67–74.s

[2] Atkinson, J., and Postle O., ―The Effect of Vehicle Maintenance on Fuel Economy,‖ in Fuel Economy of the Gasoline Engine edited by Blackmore D. R. and Thomas A., Shell Research Limited, Thornton Research Center, Chester, United Kingdom, 1977.

[3] Noritsugu T. ―Energy Saving of a Pneumatic System (2). Energy Regenerative Control of a Pneumatic Drive System. Application to Active Air Suspension‖, Hydraulics& Pneumatics, 1999, 38(4), pp.1-4.

[4] Bugli, N., ―Automotive Engine Air Cleaners - Performance Trends,‖ SAE Technical Paper 2001-01-1356,2001, doi:10.4271/2001-01-1356.

[5] Zhang Jin-qiu, Peng Zhi-zhao, Zhang Lei, Zhang Yu, ―A Review on Energy-Regenerative Suspension Systems for Vehicles‖ Proceedings of the World Congress on Engineering 2013 Vol III, WCE 2013, July 3 - 5, 2013, London, U.K.

[6] G.V.Srinivasa Rao, Dr. C.J.Rao, Dr.N.HariBabu, ―Heat Transfer Analysis on Shell & Tube Heat Exchangers‖, vol. 2, pgs.11-26, January 2014.

[7] Shravan H. Gawande1, Sunil D. Wankhede1, Rahul N. Yerrawar1, Vaishali J. Sonawane1, Umesh B. Ubarhande, ―Design and Development of Shell & Tube Heat Exchanger‖, pgs. 121-125, November 2012.


Recent Development in Agricultural Machine: Cocktail Harvester

Authors: Sangle T. P., Kale S. K., Ghuge A. S., Joshi S. A., Kadlag P. K., Shinde R. S., Bhane A. B.

Abstract- In this study, the modern machine going to establish for agriculture work easily and effortless with minimum cost and less time as well as less labor requirement engineer are busy in designing separate machine for farm work with different way, such type of machine for harvesting all types of crop are design cocktail worked as per manually worked sequenced stepwise while removing crops from farm, it cuts the crop and carry in one side of farm. And machine is in compact size and less costly available, easily handle and fuel also required also less rate. For harvesting, wheat, millet, maize, rice, grass above the ground crops as well as below the ground means potato, onion, carrot, bits also harvest and collects at one side with single labor work in 2 hours for 1 hector in 1 liter is more advantages for harvester for farmers with minimum size, less weight, less cost, more time saving machine, easily and effortless operation.

Keyword- Agricultural equipment, harvester, sickle.


[1] Damodaran, H. (2007). Manual Wheat Harvesting Behind Lower Arrivals. The Hindu Business Line, (April 19) Retrieved September 9, 2011 from

[2] Darby, H. (2010). Managing Cereal Grains for Forge.

[3] Engelhaupt, E. (2008). Do Food Miles Matter? Environmental Science & Technology. 42(10), 3482. Doi: 5/15/2008.

[4] Erickson, D., Lovell, S., & Mendez, V. (2011). Landowner Willingness to Embed Production Agriculture and other Land use Options in Residential Areas of Chittenden County, VT. Landscape and Urban Planning,

[5] Giardia’s p & Vidh M (2009) land use policy.27

[6] Hess, D. (2005). Case Studies of Community Gardens and Urban Agriculture: Portland, Oregon.

[7] J. W. R. White hand, Peter J. Larkham. (1992). Urban Landscapes: International Perspectives, 187.

[8] Jarosz, L.(2007).The City in the Country: Growing Alternative Food Networks in Metropolitan Areas. Journal of Rural Studies [9] John Deere. (2011). Retrieved 9/25/2011, from

[10] Lashgari, M., Mobil.H, Omid,M.,Alimardani,R. &Mohtasebi,S.(2008). Qualitative Analysis of Wheat Grain Damage During Harvesting with John Deere Combine Harvester. Int J .Agric Biol, 10(2), 201-204.

[11] Leah Koenig. (2010). The Breadbasket of America: New England?, The Atlantic,

[12] Lovell, S. (2010). Multifunctional Urban Agriculture for Sustainable Land use Planning in the United States. Sustainability, 2499.

[13] Masson-Minock, M., & Stockmann, D. (2010). Creating a Legal Framework for Urban Agriculture: Lessons from Flint, Michigan. Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development,


Three-In-One Agricultural Vehicle System

Authors: Gare N.B., Devkar G.R., Deshmukh M.B., Garud Y.R., Baviskar A.C., Bhane A. B.

Abstract— The paper deals with utilization of solar energy and it is converted into the chemical energy, which is used to drive the different units of the system. In this paper we had tried to explain how the different agriculture equipments are combined and work together efficiently with reducing the manufacturing cost which will be in affordable beget.

Keywords— Agricultural vehicle, Spraying machine, Dusting machine, Cutting machine.


[1] Solar grass cutter with linear blades by using scotchs mechanism,ISSN2248. Sept2014 by B Venu & B. Sagar,

[2] Solar sprayer- an agriculture implement ISSN2079-2107 ,Sept 2010 by V.Vasu & R Joshua.

[3] Sharma R.R. 1996,Sustainable solar thermal power generation technologies in india context published in the proceedings of international conference and renewable energy, Organized American society of mechanical Engineer, Non conventional source by G.D.Rai.khannapublishers

[4] Non conventional source by G.D.Rai.khannapublishers.


Retrofication of Historical Monumental Structures with Fracture Mechanics Approach

Authors: Dr. M K Maroliya

Abstract— Heritage is of most important and prestige for a human kind. It is also very important to conserve and preserve it. After many decades of their construction now it is very necessary to retrofit them which should last to next generation. In the process of enhancement of strength and retrofication of the structures, it should not change its original form, shape, size, feel and heritage. It must be look like as it is originated and built.
As in conventional methods of restoration there are so many methods / techniques for restoration of plaster, color, texture, surface etc. But here I am interested to conserve stone/brick masonry which is structurally damaged by some natural calamities like earthquake, flood, wind storm etc. or disrupted by war or some other attacks. The fundamental structural strength is focused on this subject.
The Fracture mechanics is new discipline as compare to other conventional branch of engineering. In fracture mechanics Griffith done lot of work in brittle material like glass and metal. Very less work has been done in stone fracture. The stone fracture mechanics as less focus on stone masonry and other stone construction.


[1] Seismic retrofitting of Mani Mandir complex at Morbi, Gujarat, India    By Alpa Sheth, R. D. Chaudhari, Ejaz Khan, Divay Gupta, and Malvika Saini, 13th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Vancouver, B.C., Canada, August 1-6, 2004, Paper No. 2430

[2] Preservation of Historical Monumental Structures using Fiber Reinforced Polymer (FRP)By S.Saileysh, T,S.Thandvamorthy, S.Vijaykumar,Smoses Arangnatham and A.K. Dasarathy,2nd international conference on rehabilitation and maintenance  in civil engineering.vol.54-2013, PP- 472-479. 

[3] Eronen S. on för vindkraftverk, Power point presentation on the day of Geotechnology, 17th November 2005.

[4] A Systematic approach towards restoration of heritage buildings Sayali Sandbhor, Rohan Botre, IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology VOL.2 ISSUE 3 -2013 PP 229-238

[5] Fracture mechanics and subcritical crack growth approach to model time-dependent failure in brittle rock   Mikael Rinne, Helsinki University of Technology, Faculty of Engineering and Architecture. Helsinki University of Technology (Espoo, Finland) on the 7th of August, 2008, 

[6] International Centre for Mechanical Sciences, By H.P. Rossmanith, Rock Fracture Mechanics (1983).

[7] Fracture Mechanics of Rock, By Barry Kean Atkinson. Book

[8] IS: 13935: 2009, Seismic Evaluation, Repair and Strengthening of masonry buildings

[9] IS: SP: 25 1984, Causes and Prevention of cracks in buildings
