Editorial Board

Volume 4, Issue 2, February 2015 (Title of Paper )

Page No.

Radiation Source Term Analysis for Wolsong Unit 1 Using MCNP/ORIGEN-2

Author: Kyoungho Noh, Chang Joo Hah

Abstract—Wolsong unit 1 in South Korea reached their design life time. In order to classify the decommissioning waste and estimate costs, the evaluation of the inventory of radioactive waste should be performed before decommissioning. In this study, radiation source term was evaluated for Wolsong unit 1, which is a CANDU type reactor, using MCNP and ORIGEN-2. In this evaluation, ORIGEN-2 was used to calculate radiation source term using revised ORIGEN-2 library, in which one group cross-section of relevant isotopes are revised by the neutron spectrum calculated by MCNP.

Keywords—Radiation Source term, MCNP, ORIGEN, CANDU.


[1] G. Croff, A User’s Manual for the ORIGEN2 Computer Code, ORNLTM-7175, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, (1980) .

[2] DX-5 Monte Carlo Team, MCNP-A General Monte Carlo N-Particle Transport Code, Version 5, LAUR-03-1987, LosAlamos National Laboratory, (2003).

[3] Design Manual: CANDU 600 Generation Station Physics Design Manual,” DM-59-01100, Atomic Energy of Canada Limited, (1980).

[4] 2014 Nuclear Energy White Paper, Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning, (2014).

[5] NSSC Notice 2012-53, Delivery Regulation for Low- and Intermediate-level waste, Nuclear Safety and Security Commission, (2012).


M40 Concrete with Marble Dust, Clay (POP) and Wood Apple

Authors: Shilpa Jain, Anubhav Rai

Abstract--This following work is to Design M40 concrete with marble dust and clay (POP) as a partial replacement of cement by 5%, 10%, 15%,and 20%. The compressive strength test after 7 days and 28 days have also been performed. The constant amount of Wood apple is also used. The result on the basis of compressive strength of the 150mm standard cube has been shown by the graph between varying percentage of marble dust and clay(POP) and compressive strength. The idea is to achieve higher strength concrete in economical manner by finding the substitute of cement to some extent. The comparative study between the concrete with Wood apple and without Wood apple have also done and results have been shown by the graphs.

Keywords-Clay(POP), Compressive strength, Concrete mix, Marble dust, Wood apple .


[1] Priyank Bhimani , Prof. Chetna M Vyas (2013),“Performance of Concrete with China Clay (Kaolin) Waste”.

[2] Baboo Rai1 , Khan Naushad H 2 , Abhishek Kr3 , Tabin Rushad S4 , Duggal S.K5 (2011), “Influence of Marble Powder/Granuals in Concrete mix”.

[3] Hassan A Mohamadien (2012), “The effect of Marble Powder and Silica fume as partial replacement for cement on mortar”.

[4] Bahar Demirel, (2010), ―The effect of the using waste marble dust as fine sand on the mechanical properties of concrete.

[5] IS: 383-1970, Specification for Coarse and Fine Aggregate from Natural Sources for Concrete—Bureau of Indian Standards, New Delhi.

[6] IS: 10262-2009 Recommended Guidelines for Concrete Mix Design—Bureau of Indian Standards, New Delhi.

[7] IS: 456-2000, Plain and Reinforced Concrete—Code of Practice—Bureau of Indian Standards, New Delhi.

[8] IS: 516-1959, Methods of Tests for Strength of Concrete— Bureau of Indian Standards, New Delhi.

[9] IS: 8112-1989, 43 Grade Ordinary Portland cement— Specification, Bureau of Indian Standards, New Delhi



Some Observations on Integrated Database System of MCD

Authors: Dr. Sanjay Kumar Gupta, Vilender Kumar

Abstract--MCD is a vast organization and offering many online citizen services to different customers but lot of possibilities exists to make their business processes and services more transparent and accountable to focus on integrating their different department’s databases together into a single database. To avoid data redundancies, repeated work and time of customers, database integration among various departments according to established best standards should be achieved. In this work effort has been made in order to understand the perception of MCD officials, who are practically using software applications, about present MCD software’s systems used at different departments having all benefits of integrated database management system.

Keywords- Information System, Decision Support System, Information and Communication Technology, Human Capital Management, Database Management System.


[1] Batini C, Lenzerini M and Navathe S B (1986), A Comparative Analysis of Methodologies for Database Schema Integration C. available at: ACM Computing Surveys, Vol. 18, No. 4, December 1986.

[2] Benediktsson O, Dalcher D. and Thorbergsson H (2006), Comparison of Software Development Life Cycles: A Multiproject Experiment, available at: IEEE Proc.-Softw., Vol. 153, No. 3, June 2006.

[3] Bhatnagar S (2002), E-government: Lessons from Implementation in Developing Countries, available at: Published in Regional Development Dialogue, Vol. 24, UNCRD, Autumn 2002 Issue.

[4] Frost & Sullivan (2009), ERP Challenges and Opportunities in Government, Available at GGAw&ved=0CBgQvwUoAQ&q=ERP+Challenges+and+Opportun ities+in+Government+by+frost+and+sullivan&spell=1&bav=on.2,or .r_gc.r_pw.&fp=9b3caf67a38e6279&biw=1003&bih=567.

[5] upta and Singh T ( ) chievements Challenges of ERP Implementation in CD C available at SC T- SC T- E .pdf.

[6] Gupta Sanjay Kumar, Kumar Vilender, Chhabra Susheel (2012), A Window View on Prospects of ERP Implementation in Municipal Corporation of Delhi, International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering Website:, Volume 2, Issue 9, September 2012, pp.252-260

[7] Gupta Sanjay Kumar, Kumar Vilender (2014), A Study on MCD Officials Perception Towards Present Information Sharing Potential in MCD, Delhi, International Journal of Engineering Technology and advanced Engineering (IJETAE), Vol. 4, Issue 6, June 2014, pp.730-735

[8] Gupta Sanjay Kumar, Kumar Vilender (2014), Database Integration and Quality Services of MCD: A Study Based on MCD Officials Perception, International Journal of Recent Development in Engineering and Technology Website:, Vol. 2, Issue 6, June 2014, pp.27-30.

[9] Gupta Sanjay Kumar, Kumar Vilender, On Design of SDM Model of an ERP Implementation for MCD, Communicated.

[10] lilgermangirl, Impact of ERP Systems on Process Innovation - with a Special Focus on Mass Customization, available abstract at

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