Editorial Board

Volume 4 , Issue 11, November 2015 (Title of Paper )

Page No.

The Use of Solar Reflector for Heating Air Column in Cyclone Wind Turbine as Low Capacity Electrical Generator

Authors: Sugiono, A. Raharjo, Sujatmiko

Abstract-- Indonesia has many islands which make the distribution of electricity difficult, especially in power cable network. This problem can be solved by independent electrical generator which must be easy to operate and maintenance. The use of cyclone turbine as low capacity electrical generator offer big potential to solve this problem. Normally cyclone wind turbine alone cannot generate sufficient speed to turn the generator to produce sufficient electrical power. But with the help of focused solar reflector we can heating up the air in the column bellow the cyclone turbine, so the hot air can produce thermal difference between air in the column with the air outside. With the thermal difference there be pressure difference also, that fasten the air flow through the cyclone turbine, which in the end can make the cyclone turbine produce enough speed to turn the generator so it can produce sufficient electrical power. Our study shows that with the use of solar reflector the temperature in air column can reach 45oC, the angular speed of cyclone turbine reach 120 rpm and thus generate electrical power.

Keywords- solar reflector, cyclone turbine, electrical power.


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Enhancing Mechanical Properties of Low Carbon Steel through Carburizing with Holding Time and Quenching Media Variation According to ASTM Standard Testing

Authors: Unung Lesmanah, Margianto

Abstract-- Steel is a material widely use in engineering, especially in industrial world. Because its wide application, usually we need to tailor its mechanical properties so it suit our needs. Sometimes we need to perform heat treatment to changes its mechanical properties. Principally heat treatment process is we heating up the material above its recrystallize temperature. The change in its microstructure then will depend on the length of holding temperature and the cooling rate. With specific length of holding temperature and specific cooling rate, heat treatment can tailoring the mechanical properties of steel to suit the needs. (Hari Amanto. Daryanto, tt : 82). Carburizing is heat treatment which aim is to increasing the hardness of material surface. In this study we varying the holding time and quenching media to increase steel hardness. Our longtime goal are to find a way to enhance the mechanical properties of steel to accommodate industrial needs. The research methodology are experiment method with holding time variation of 1 hour, 2 hours, 3 hours, 4 hours and 5 hours, and quenching media variation of water, lubricating oil, and air. The material used are low carbon steel. The data is analyze with ANOVA and T test. Resulting data showed increase in hardness in specimen with longer holding time and quenching media of lubricating oil, with hardness value are 61.33 HRc, 67.33 HRc, 70 HRc, 74.33 HRc, 76.33 HRc, quenching media of water, the hardness value are 55 HRc, 62.67 HRc, 64.33 HRc, 67.67 HRc, 71,33 HRc and quenching media of air, the hardness value are 31 HRc, 42.67 HRc, 45 HRc, 47.33 HRc, 52.67 HRc.

Keywords- Mechanical properties of steel, Hardness, Carburizing, Holding Time, Quenching.


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Features Essential in a Music Tutoring System for Learning South Indian Classical Music

Authors: Arnita Saini, S. Nikhil Siva, Pradeep Yammiyavar

Abstract— This paper reports the work done in identification of the essential features for the design of a Music Tutoring System for learning the South Indian Classical Music and the conceptualization of its Graphical User Interface. For this, surveys were conducted in two phases to understand the teaching styles and problems faced in the initial stages of learning of Western and Indian Classical Music. Further, an analysis of two of the existing Western Music Tutoring Systems was carried out based on the available literature and a generic framework of music tutoring was determined for which, the Kolb’s model of Experiential Learning was used. This was then compared with the results of the survey. In this comparison, the cultural differences and the differences in the music styles of Western and South Indian Classical Music were considered and used to outline a set of contextualized characteristics that a tutor of South Indian Carnatic Music should incorporate into its framework. Based on these features and characteristics, implications for graphical user interface and interaction design of such a tutor is subsequently suggested.

Keywords—Computer Assisted Musical Tutoring, South Indian Classical (Carnatic) Music, Customizing Learning environments, Cultural adaptation, Kolb’s Model of Learning, Graphical User Interface, User-centred Design.


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Acceleration Framework using MicroBlaze Soft-core Processors on FPGAs

Authors: Shrikant Jadhav, Christopher Doss, Clay Gloster, Youngsoo Kim

Abstract— Offloading the complex computational kernel from the processor is the common way to improve performance of embedded system. In our work we are using MicroBlaze softcore processor in design and implementation of acceleration framework. In acceleration framework MicroBlaze is coupled with co-processor with the help of communication bus. We can attach the co-processor to our design that can handle the computation part. This co-processor helps to offload the burden on the MicroBlaze and thus reduces clock cycles needed for computation. In this paper we provide the acceleration framework to compute floating point natural logarithm value. The hardware implemented floating point natural logarithm unit is connected as co-processor to MicroBlaze. Xilinx provide a way to connect MicroBlaze processor and co-processor with the help of Fast Simplex Link (FSL). The FSL is used as mode of communication between floating point natural logarithm unit (co-processor) to MicroBlaze processor. We have implemented this framework on Virtex 5 and Zynq-7000. Our design consumes 28% on Zynq-7000 and 59% on Virtex 5 of the resources on FPGA. We compared the time in milliseconds required to execute different number of samples on (MicroBlaze processor + co-processor) design, on MicroBlaze soft-core processor. Our acceleration framework has achieved approximately 527x speedup on Zynq 7000 (100 MHz) over MicroBlaze soft-core design.

Keywords—Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGA); MicroBlaze processor; soft-core; co-processor; acceleration framework; Fast Simplex Link (FSL); Floating point Natural Logarithm Unit.


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CFD Analysis of Air Conditioning Equipment of CAD Lab for Enhancing its Performance

Authors: K Vaseemul Rahaman , Prof. Shankar Kumar

Abstract— Thermal displacement ventilation (TDV) is a promising technology for all types of buildings. The potential energy efficiency, health, and acoustic benefits offer promise government of various countries are prepared to spend billions on new educational institutes and major modernization. This paper presents some results from Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) analysis which is needed in order to model and study the complex flows associated with TDV.CFD is an established, state-of-the-art scientific approach for quantitative prediction and analysis of fluid flow, heat and mass transfer in a multiplicity of conditions. In 1995, the Government Accounting Office concluded that 25% of the nation’s schools are inundated by indoor air quality (IAQ) problems. A few years later the Environmental Protection Agency reported that an even higher percentage of buildings have IAQ problems. Most of these IAQ problems can be recognized to poor ventilation. TDV, which has been used since the late 1980s in Northern Europe and only more recently in U.S., disproves the common perception that improving IAQ in an air-conditioned space should effect the higher energy consumption.

Keywords— TDV, CFD simulation, ventilation, heating, temperature, thermal comfort.


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Result on Fixed Point for Convex Metris Space taking Random Operator for Kannan type Mapping

Authors: Nidhi Gargav, Rajesh Shrivastava, Rizwana Jamal

Abstract-- The aim of the present paper is to prove the existence of fixed points for Kannan mappings in convex metric spaces for random operator. The results are generalization forms of some known results.

Keywords-- Convex metric space, Common fixed point, Random operators, Kannan Type mappings. AMS Classifications: 47H10


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