
Volume 3, Issue 4, October 2014 (Title of Paper )

Page No.

Technologies for the Removal of Dissolved Inorganic Substances Contained in Wastewater

Authors: Gheorghe – Constantin IONESCU, George – Lucian IONESCU

Abstract – The purpose of this paper is to outline the necessity of advanced urban wastewater, which contain residual substances that are scarcely removed or practically unaltered through means of traditional bio-mechanical treatment steps (detergents, phosphates, nitrogen based compounds, persistent organic compounds, pesticides, diverse chemical compounds), which have a devastating impact upon the environment. The paper presents four technological schemes, for ultra filtration procedures and reverses osmosis within a single step, as well as for phosphorous removal by utilizing lime, all of which are applied toward removing inorganic dissolved substances contained in wastewater.

Keywords – chemical precipitation, ultra filtration, reverse osmosis, electro dialysis

[1] Ionescu George – Lucian, Ionescu Gh. C.; Sâmbeteanu Aura, Tehnologii moderne pentru epurarea apelor uzate, Editura MatrixRom – Bucureşti, 2013 (315 pg.) ISBN 978-606-25-0007-8.

[2] Martinez, S. G. Alternating aerobic and anaerobic operation of an activated sludge plant. JWPCF, februarie, 1987.

[3] Ionescu, Gh.C., Sisteme de epurare a apelor uzate, Editura MatrixRom Bucureşti, 2010.

[4] Robescu Diana, Iliescu S., Robescu D.N. ş.a., Controlul automat al proceselor de epurare a apelor uzate, Editura Tehnică Bucureşti, 2008.

[5] Gerber, M., Roland Span- An Analysis of Available Mathematical Models for Anaerobic Digestion of Organic Substances for Production of Biogas, International Gas Research Conference, Paris, 2008

[6] Robescu Diana, Modelarea proceselor biologice de epurare a apelor uzate, Editura Politehnica Press Bucureşti, 2009.

[7] Gligor E., Contribuţii la optimizarea energetică a instalaţiilor şi echipamentelor din cadrul staţiilor de epurare a apelor uzate. Teză de doctorat, Oradea, 2011.

[8] Ionescu, Gh. C.; Ionescu, Daniela-Smaranda – Phisycal and Chemical Techniques for Removing Nitrogen and Phosphorus from Residual Waters – International Symposia Risk Factors for Environment and Food Safety & Natural Resources and Sustainable Development, Faculty of Environmental Protection, Nov. 6-7, Oradea, 2009.


Simulation of Active Control of Chatter Vibrations

Author: Anthony S White

Abstract—. This paper outlines a strategy for the active control of the self-excited vibration of machine tools which arises when metal is turned, ground or milled. The requisite sensor and actuators for successful operation of such a scheme are outlined. Examples of the results of typical sensors are illustrated in a brief review of previous work. A simple single degree of freedom model of chatter is simulated, although a higher order system could be included to model the chatter process for control purposes. The effect of using different sensors feedback is also considered. Several control strategies are demonstrated. These show that the vibration can be reduced to less than 10% of its' original value in less than 10 cycles. The implications regarding problems of implementation are discussed

Keywords— Chatter Vibration, Active control, Simulation, PDF control, PID control, LQR control, Production engineering, Turning

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[22] A Ganguli, 2005. Chatter Reduction through active vibration damping”, PhD Thesis, Université Libre de Bruxelles.

[23] A. Ganguli, A.Deraemaeker, I. Romanescu, M.Horodinca and Preumont, 2006. Simulation and Active Control of Chatter in Milling via a Mechatronic Simulator, Journal of Vibration and Control, 12, 817- 848.

[24] M. Eynian, 2010. Chatter stability of turning and milling with process damping, PhD thesis, University of British Columbia, January


A Review of CO2 Behavior During Geological Storage and Leakage Assessment

Authors: Xiaohui Zhang, Boyun Guo

Abstract— The increasing emission of CO2 can cause Greenhouse effect and CO2 has been a major challenge to the global environment. Carbon capture and storage (CCS) is an effective method of mitigation of Greenhouse effect. In this work, the important properties of CO2 are introduced. The solubility of CO2 in water and brine increases as pressure increases. The reaction between CO2 and water will form carbonic acid. Also, some properties of CO2 will change with pressure and temperature and generally speaking, the injected CO2 would be in a dense, supercritical phase in geologic sink. CO2 geological storage can happen through different mechanisms- Solubility Trapping; Hydrodynamic Trapping; Chemical Trapping. The CO2 storage capacity and injectivity can be evaluated through different methods based on different types of storage site. Depleted oil and gas reservoirs are the straightforward to estimate the storage capacity and injectivity due to the experience gained in so long history. Deep saline aquifers are believed to have the most potential to storage CO2 but further studies have to be performed to evaluate the capacity and injectivity. Several case studies are shown about CO2 storage capacity and injectivity. CO2 leakage mechanisms determinate how CO2 leaks form the geological sinks. Wells, consisting of different components, may provide the leakage pathways for CO2 . CO2 /Brine surface dissolution is a useful strategy which can increase the CO2 storage efficiency. This strategy requires that additional wells should be drilled. But in current field practice, CO2 is injected into abandoned wells.

Keywords— CO2 , Geological Storage, Leakage, Review.

[1] House, K. Z.; Schrag, D. P.; Harvey, C. F.; Lackner, K. S.; 2006; Permanent Carbon Dioxide Storage in Deep-Sea Sediments. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 103 (33): 12291–12295

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[8] White, C.M.; Straziser, B.R.; Granite, E.J.; Hoffman, J.S., and Pennline, H.W., 2005, Separation and capture of CO2 from large stationary sources and sequestration in geological formations— coalbeds and deep saline aquifers: Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association, v. 53, p. 645–715.

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[18] Gale, J.; 2004; Geological storage of CO2: What do we know, where are the gaps and what more needs to be done? Energy 29 (2004) 1329–1338

[19] Celia, M.A.; Bachu, S.; Nordbotten, J.M.; Gasda, S.E. and Dahle, H.K.; 2004; Quantitative estimation of CO2 leakage from geological storage—analytical models numerical models, and data needs: Princeton Environmental Institute, The Princeton papers at Vancouver GHGT-7, Paper ID #228

[20] Nordbotten, Jan Martin; Celia, Michael A.; 2012; Geological storage of CO2: modeling approaches for large-scale simulation; Published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, New Jersey

[21] Nordbotten, Jan Martin; Celia, Michael A.; Bachu, Stefan; Dahle, Helge K.; 2005a; Semianalytical solution for CO2 leakage through an abandoned well; Environmental Science & Technolog 2005, 39, 602-611

[22] Nordbotten, Jan Martin; Celia,Michael A.; Bachu, Stefan; 2005b; Injection and storage of CO2 in deep saline aquifers: Analytical solution for CO2 plume evolution during injection; Transp Porous Med (2005) 58:339-360


Neural Networks for Assessing Shear Strength of Soils

Authors: R. Chitra, Manish Gupta

Abstract— Over the last few years or so, the use of artificial neural networks (ANNs) has increased in many areas of engineering. In particular, ANNs have been applied to many geotechnical engineering problems such as to predict pile capacity, settlement, liquefaction etc. The correlations between shear strength parameters and other soil properties individually are common among Geotechnical engineers. But establishing a correlation by assessing the shear strength parameters of any type of soil using all other soil properties is as such impossible generally. The existing correlations are mostly one to one in nature or at the most two only. Attempts were made to assess strength parameters of soils using various other engineering and physical properties using the ANN approach. A model has been created using a set of data and the same has been validated. The paper presents the model for assessing the strength parameters modelled with the optimal input physical parameters viz. Grain Size Distribution, Plasticity Index and Dry Density.

Keywords— Angle of Shearing Resistance, Artificial Neural Networks, Cohesion, Correlations, Shear Strength

[1] Abu-Kiefa, M. A. (1998). ―General regression neural networks for driven piles in cohesionless soils.‖ J. Geotech. & Geoenv. Engrg., ASCE, 124(12), 1177-1185.

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[3] Chitra R and Gupta Manish,(2005), ―Applications of Neural Networks in Geotechnical Engineering‖, Proceedings of the National Conference on `Recent Trends in Geotechnology’, Pune, 12 - 13 February, 2005

[4] Chitra R and Gupta Manish,(2012), ―Innovative approach by Neural Networks in Geotechnical Engineering‖, Journal on Civil Engineering & Construction review, July, 2012.

[5] Chitra R., Manish Gupta and A. K. Dhawan (2008), ―An ANN Approach for Assessing Strength of Soils‖, GeoSymposium 2008, National Symposium on ―Geoenvironment, Geohazards, Geosynthetics and Ground Improvement - Experiences and Practices – 4G‖, New Delhi, July 4 & 5, 2008.

[6] Chitra,R., Manish Gupta and A.K.Dhawan (2004) ―Assessing Strength of Soils – An ANN Approach‖. Proceedings of International workshop on ―Risk assessment in site characterization and Geotechnical Design‖, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, 26-27 November 2004, pp 182 - 188.

[7] Fausett, L. V. (1994). Fundamentals neural networks: Architecture, algorithms, and applications, Prentice-Hall, Inc., Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey.

[8] Flood, I., and Kartam, N. (1994). ―Neural networks in civil engineering I: Principles and understanding.‖ J. Computing in Civil Engrg, ASCE, 8(2), 131-148.

[9] Goh, A. T. C. (1994b). ―Seismic liquefaction potential assessed by neural network.‖ J. Geotech. & Geoenv. Engrg., ASCE, 120(9), 1467-1480.

[10] Manish Gupta, Chitra, R. and Dhawan, A.K, (2005), ―Prediction of shear strength properties of soils using ANN‖, Proceedings of National Conference on GEOPREDICT 2005, IIT, Chennai, June 2005


Manufacturing of Bricks Using Tannery Effluent sludge

Authors: M. Angeline Swarna, R. Venkatakrishnaiah

Abstract— Tanneries in India are mainly located in four states of Tamilnadu, West Bengal, Uttar Pradesh and Punjab. There are nearly 900 tanneries in Tamilnadu. The wastewater from the tannery industries are sent to tannery Effluent Treatment Plant. The sludge resulting from tannery effluents plants creates problems of disposal. General dewatered sludge is disposed off by spreading on the land or by land filling. However, for highly organized cities, sludge disposal by landfilling might not be appropriate due to land limitation. This project will lead to evaluate the suitability of sludge in manufacturing of bricks. Tannery sludge can replace cement up to 20% and quarry dust can replace sand up to 100% in cement bricks. The properties of tannery sludge and quarry dust is found out by using standard test procedures. In this project different proportions of cement, sludge and quarry dust are thoroughly mixed and moulded in the cube size of 7.045 cm X 7.045 cm X 7.045 cm and test were performed for the property of comprehensive strength for 7 days and 14 days of curing and 24 hours of sun drying.

Keywords— Bricks, Quarry Dust, Tannery,

[1] Jackson. N and R.K. Dhir (1996), ―Civil Engineering Materials‖, fifth edition, Mac Millan Education Ltd, London.

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[4] Hegezy B. E (2007), ―Brick Making from water Treatment plant sludge‖ Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences‖, issue 6, pp 599 – 616.

[5] Feenstra. L, J.G.T. Wolde and C.M. Eenstroom (1997), ―Reusing Water Treatment Plant Sludge as secondary Raw Material in Brick Manufacturing‖, Studies in Environmental Sciences, vol 77, pp 641 – 645.

[6] J. Balasubramanian, P. C. Sabumon, John U. Lazar, R. Illangovan (2010), ― usage of sludge as a construction Material, Journal of Applied Materials Issue 4, pp 667 -712.

[7] Mahdi Haroun, Azni Idris, S.R syed Omar (2008), ―Characterizations and composting Tannery Sludge‖ , Journal of material sciences, Issue 9, pp 523 -530.

[8] Oladoja, Bamuza Pemu (2011), ― Treatment of textile Sludge using anaerobic technology‖, Journal of Civil Engineering, Issue 12, pp 5- 14.


A Review on Image Denoising Techniques Using Wavelet Transform Methods

Authors: Vinita Arun Chaudhari, Shrikant Lade

Abstract- The research area of image processing grew from electrical engineering as an addition of the signal processing branch. The enormous amount of data necessary for images is a main reason for the growth of many areas within the research field of computer imaging such as image processing and compression. The pre dealing being worked upon is the de noising of images. In order to get this in requisites of the concerned research work, wavelet transforms is applied. Wavelet transform and Un-decimated Discrete wavelet transform. DWT can also be added. This can be done in order to discover more possible combinations that may lead to the finest denoising technique. In this review paper we have tried to review the maximum aspects regarding to image denoising.

Keywords- Image Denoising, Image Filtering, Wavelet Transform and Wavelet Thresholding.

[1] John C. Wood, Kevin Johnson/ “Wavelet-denoising of complex magnetic resonance images” / IEEE / 1998

[2] Wilfred L. Rosenbaum, M. Stella Atkinsa, Gordon E. Sarty/ “Classification and performance of denoising algorithms for low signal to noise ratio magnetic resonance images” / SPIE vol.3979 / 2000

[3] Fabrizio Argenti, Gionatan Torricelli/ “Speckle suppression in ultrasonic images based on undecimated wavelets” / EURASIP Journal on Applied Signal Processing/ 2003

[4] Jiecheng Xie, Student Member, IEEE, Dali Zhang, and Wenli Xu/ “Spatially adaptive wavelet denoising using the minimum description length principle”/ IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, vol. 13, no. 2 / February 2004

[5] Alle Meije Wink and Jos B.T.M.Roerdink/ “Denoising functional MR Images – a comparison of wavelet denoising and gaussian smoothing” / IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, vol. 23, no. 3/ March 2004

[6] Hyeokho Choi and Richard G.Baranuik“Multiple wavelet basis image denoising using besov ball projections” / IEEE Signal Processing Letters, vol. 11, no. 9 / September 2004.

[7] Byung-Jun Yoon and P. P. Vaidyanathan/ “Wavelet-based denoising by customized thresholding”

[8] Tai-Chiu Hsung, Daniel Pak-Kong Lun and K.C.Ho/ “Optimizing the multiwavelet shrinkage denoising” / IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol. 53, no. 1 / January 2005

[9] Aleksandra Piˇzurica, Alle Meije Wink, Ewout Vansteenkiste, Wilfried Philips and Jos B.T.M. Roerdink/ “A review of wavelet denoising in MRI and ultrasound brain imaging”/ Submitted to current medical imaging reviews

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[11] Kai-qi Huang, Zhen-ye Wu, George S.K.Fung, Francis H.Y.Chan/ “Color image denoising with wavelet thresholding based on human visual system model”/ Signal Processing: Image Communication, vol. 20, pp.115–127/ 2005

[12] Nai-Xiang Lian, Vitali Zagorodnov, and Yap-Peng Tan/ “Color image denoising using wavelets and minimum cut analysis” / IEEE Signal Processing Letters, vol. 12, no. 11, November 2005

[13] C.O.S Sorzano, E.Ortiz, M.Lopez, J.Rodrigo/ “Improved bayesian image denoising based on wavelets with applications to electron microscopy / Pattern Recognition, vol. 39, pp.205 – 1213 / 2006

[14] Brij N.Singh, Arvind K.Tiwari/ “Optimal selection of wavelet basis function applied to ECG signal denoising” / Digital Signal Processing, vol.16, pp. 275–287 / 2006

[15] Cajo J.F. ter Braak/ “Bayesian sigmoid shrinkage with improper variance priors and an application to wavelet denoising” / Computational Statistics & Data Analysis vol. 51, pp. 1232 – 1242 / 2006

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[17] Zhao Jian, Cao Zhengwen and Zhou Mingquan/ “SAR image denoising based on wavelet-fractal analysis” / Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics , vol. 18, no.1, pp. 45-48/ 2007

[18] D.Giaouris, J.W.Finch/ “Denoising using wavelets on electrive drive applications” Electric Power Systems Research, doi:10.1016/j.epsr.2007.05.004

[19] S.Poornachandra/ “Wavelet-based denoising using subband dependent threshold for ECG signals” / Digital Signal Processing vol. 18, pp. 49–55 / 2008

[20] Li Zhen, He Zhengjia, Zi Yanyang, Wang Yanxue/ “Customized wavelet denoising using intra- and inter-scale dependency for bearing fault detection” / Journal of Sound and Vibration, doi:10.1016/j.jsv.2007.11.039

[21] Yinpeng Jin, Elsa D. Angelini, Peter D. Esser, Andrew F. Laine/ “De-noising SPECT/PET images using cross-scale regularization”.

[22] Tinku Acharya, Ajoy.K.Ray, “IMAGE PROCESSING –Principles and Applications”, Hoboken, New Jersey, A JOHN WILEY & SONS, MC. , Publication, 2005

[23] Detail information about the Multiresolution Analysis and The Continuous Wavelet Transform6, < http://users.rowan.edu/~polikar/WAVELETS/WTpart3.html>

[24] Detail information about the Fundamental Concepts of Transformations,

[25] Detail information about Wavelet Analysis

[26] Aglika Gyaourova, Chandrika Kamath and Imola K. Fodor, “Undecimated wavelet transforms for image de-noising”, November 19, 2002

[27] S.Kother Mohideen, Dr. S. Arumuga Perumal, Dr. M.Mohamed Sathik, “Image denoising using discrete wavelet transform”, International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security, vol.8 no.1, January 2008

[28] Detail information about Multiresolution Analysis: The Discrete Wavelet Transform8, < http://users.rowan.edu/~polikar/WAVELETS/WTpart4.html>

[29] De Creane Lars, Bats Andy, Schaeps Tim, “Medical image processing: denoising”, Vision Lab, Hogeschool Antwerpen, June 2006

[30] Elisabetta Marras, Enrico Capobianco, “A multiscale tour in protein interactomics- IMA Preprint Series # 2193”, Institute for Mathematics and its Applications University of Minnesota, April 2008.

[31] Detail information about the Peak signal to noise ratio,

[32] Zhou Wang, Member, IEEE, Alan Conrad Bovik, Fellow, IEEE, Hamid Rahim Sheikh, Student Member, IEEE, and Eero P. Simoncelli, Senior Member, IEEE, “Image Quality Assessment: From error visibility to structural similarity”, IEEE transactions on image processing, vol. 13, no. 4, April 2004

[33] Rafael C.Gonzalez, Richard E.Woods and Steven L.Eddins, “Digital Image Processing Using MATLAB”, Pearson Education (Singapore) Pte Ltd., Indian Branch, 482 F.I.E. Patparganj, Delhi 110092, India, 2004

[34] Standard original images,


Intrusion Detection System in MANETS: A Survey

Authors: I. Meenatchi, K. Palanivel

Abstract — A mobile ad hoc network is an infrastructure less network which is prone to various malicious attacks when incorporated in applications. It is a dreadful task for attaining security to the greatest degree in MANET. This is awaited to the diverse characteristics of mobile ad hoc networks which unlike from well-established infrastructure network. In order to overcome this security challenges the Intrusion detection systems have been deployed in the ad hoc network. In this paper we focus on surveying heterogeneous intrusion detection systems used in MANET for defending various attacks.

Keywords— Mobile Ad hoc Network; IDS; Routing protocols; Attacks

[1] Christofis’s Panos1, Christos Xenakis2, Giannis Stavrakakis1,2010 A novel intrusion detection system for MANETS International Conference on Security and Cryptography

[2] Amira, E., Anshar, E., Nazi, H.R., and Adakai, M., 2012 Survey on network access control technology in MANETs, Malacca: IEEE.

[3] Nish Dang & Poona Mitta, 2012 Cluster based intrusion detection system for MANETS, International Journal of Computer Applications & Information Technology.

[4] Sen, S., & Clark, J.A., 2008, Intrusion Detection in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks, Guide to Wireless Ad Hoc Networks, Springer.

[5] Huawei Li Das, A.Jianying Zhou, 2005,Theoretical Basis for Intrusion Detection, IEEE Proc, Information Assurance and Security.

[6] A.Nadeem and M.Howarth, 2008,―Adaptive intrusion detection and prevention of Denial of Service attacks in MANETs‖,Proceeding of ACM 5th International Wireless Communication and Mobile Computing Conference

[7] R. H. Akbani, S. Patel and D. C. Jinwala, 2012, DoS attacks in mobile ad hoc networks: A survey, in Proc. 2nd Int. Meeting ACCT.

[8] M.Pirrete and R.Brooks, 2006, ―The Sleep Deprivation Attack in Sensor Networks: Analysis and Methods of Defense‖, International Journal of Distributed Sensor networks.

[9] Garuba, M., Liu, C. & Fraites, D., 2008, Intrusion Techniques: Comparative Study of Network Intrusion Detection Systems. In Proceeding of Fifth International Conference on Information Technology: New Generation, IEEE.

[10] M. Abolhasan, T. Wysocki, and E. Dutkiewicz,2004, ―A review of routing protocols for mobile ad hoc networks,‖ Elsevier Journal of Ad Hoc Networks, 1–22.

[11] A. Nadeem, M. Howarth, 2014, An intrusion detection & adaptive response mechanism for MANETs, Elsevier Journal of Ad Hoc Networks, 368-380

[12] M. Mohanapriya, Ilango Krishnamurthy, ―Modified DSR Protocol for Detection and Removal of Selective Black Hole Attack in MANET‖, Computers and Electrical Engineering, Elsevier science, 2013

[13] Nadeem, A., & Howarth, M. (2009). A generalized intrusion detection & prevention mechanism for securing MANETs. In Proceedings of IEEE international conference on ultra modern telecommunications & workshops, St. Petersburg, Russia.

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Geotechnical Investigations of Borrow Area for the construction of Earth and Rockfill Dam – A Case Study

Authors: Sarma, C. B, Rajesh Khanna, Dr. Chitra, R

Abstract-- Due to easy availability of construction material and ability of the material adjust itself in seismic prone area, Earth and Rockfill dams are now more popular. There is a proposal of 960 MW, 52 m High Indira Sagar Dam Project, Polavaram, Andhra Pradesh central core Earth and Rockfill dam. Geotechnical Investigations (Field and Laboratory) were carried out in one of the borrow area. Borrow area samples for the construction of core material from Spills Channel, Approach Channel and Pilot Channel. This study shows that strength parameters and consolidation characteristics for clay with high plasticity and under loading conditions retains pore water pressure on saturation, therefore there is a significant difference between Total and Effective shear parameters and also possesses medium to high compressibility characteristics. The idea of presenting this paper is to show that high plastic clays could cause settlement and the relationship with strength parameters indicates significant variation in Total and Effective strength parameters for the construction of Earth and Rockfill dam.

Keywords-- Atterberg Limit, Standard Proctor Compaction, Specific gravity, pore water pressure, cohesion, shear strength, compressibility.

[1] CSMRS report no: 4/Soil-IV/CSMRS/E/12/2011 “Report on Geotechnical Investigations on Soil samples collected from borrow area 1 for the proposed Indira Sagar Polavaram project, Dowleiswaram, Andhra Pradesh.

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On Design of SDM Model of an ERP Implementation for MCD

Authors: Dr. Sanjay Kumar Gupta, Vilender Kumar

Abstract--MCD is a large service provider organization and providing large services and functionalities but still struggling to give real benefits to citizens. ERP is a complex piece of software and provides real-time operational capabilities and therefore successful implementation of ERP systems in MCD is a demanding assignment to promote public services and citizen centric administration. The objective of this paper is to consider CSF and design a SDM model of an ERP implementation for MCD. This will act as a reference model to help and avoid previous mistakes, and minimize the ERP failure risks associated with MCD for successful ERP implementation.

Keywords-- ERP implementation, Critical success factors (CSF’s), Information sharing, Database, Software Development Model (SDM)

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Diffusional transport of chloride and phosphate in soils of the North Central Region of Córdoba (Argentina)

Authors: Rollán, Adriana Ana del Carmen, Bachmeier, Omar Antonio

Abstract— The kinetics and energy changes of chloride and phosphate adsorption in soils can be determined using mixed bed ion-exchange resin. Attending on this need, this work purpose was to determine the coefficients of diffusion of phosphate and chloride in soils of the North Central Region of Córdoba (Argentina). With disturbed samples were prepared soil columns with moisture at saturation, assessing the transport of phosphate and chloride. The average diffusion coefficients for phosphate ranged from 2.59 ×10 -8 cm2 s -1 and 9.59 × 10-8 cm2 s -1 and the average for chloride was 4.20 × 10-6 cm2 s -1 (±5×10-8 ). Phosphate ion has strong restrictions to diffusional movement, given its intense interaction with the solid matrix while chloride suffers only restrictions associated with the physical environment available to transport. From there, the grade of interaction of the species in diffusion with the solid phase of the soil, determines its pollutant potential and the importance of the form in which the spatial distribution of the fertilizers is done.

Keywords— Chloride adsorption, phosphate adsorption, diffusion coefficients, soils fertility, ion transport.

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Efficient Cooperative Relay Network using Different Relay Selection with MRC and ML Detection

Authors: Ashish Tirkey, Prof. Neeraj Tiwari

Abstract - The cooperative relay network is the integrated part of the long distance communication system and the better performance of it makes communication reliable as well as improve quality of service better. In this paper we have simulated the cooperative relay network with four different relay selection modes having harmonic and maximum values of SNR. The proposed approach contains the combining techniques employed at the receiver to combine various signals received from different channels like SD, SR and RD. The combining techniques referred here is C-MRC and SC with different relay modes AF(Amplify and Forward) and DF(Detect and Forward). The system is followed by detection techniques, maximum likelihood(ML), MMSE and ZF to reduce the bit error rate(BER).

Keywords - Relay Selection, AF, DF, C-MRC, SC, MMSE, ZF and ML.

[1] K. K. Wong, and E. Elsheikh, “Optimized Cooperative Diversity for a Three-node Decode-and-Forward Relay Channels”, IEEE 2nd International Symposium on Wireless Pervasive Computing: 5-7, San Juan, Puerto Rico, Piscataway, US, pp.296-301, February 2007.

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[9] Butcharoen, S.; Pirak, C., "C-MRC-based path selection approach for cooperative multihop communications," Electrical Engineering/Electronics, Computer, Telecommunications and Information Technology (ECTI-CON), 2012 9th International Conference on , vol., no., pp.1,4, 16-18 May 2012

[10] Zhou, Q.F.; Lau, F.C.M., "Performance Bounds of Opportunistic Cooperative Communications With CSI-Assisted Amplify-andForward Relaying and MRC Reception," Vehicular Technology, IEEE Transactions on , vol.59, no.5, pp.2159,2165, Jun 2010

[11] Kai Yan; Jian Jiang; Ying Guan Wang; Hai Tao Liu, "Outage Probability of Selection Cooperation With MRC in NakagamiFading Channels," Signal Processing Letters, IEEE , vol.16, no.12, pp.1031,1034, Dec. 2009


Classification of Hyperspectral Satellite Images Using Ensemble Techniques for Object Recognition

Authors: K. M. Sharavana Raju, V. Karthikeyani

Abstract-- Image classification is one of the most important tasks of remote sensing information processing used for object recognition. In this paper, a novel scheme is proposed to improve the accuracy of hyperspectral image classification by amalgamating multiple feature vector sets and ensemble methods with different classifiers. Extracting the texture, color and object features of the satellite images, an ensemble classifier is built for object recognition which recognizes the type of objects present in it. Effective use of feature set and the selection of suitable classification methods with different combination methods are applied for improving classification accuracy. Classifiers such as Multi Layer Perceptron (MLP), k-Nearest Neighbour (KNN) and Support Vector Machine (SVM) are used. This combination shows high performance in terms of Classifier Accuracy (CA), Object Recognition Rate (ORR) and False Alarm Rate (FAR). Results obtained from the ensembling classification give better solution when compared with single classification system.

Keywords-- Hyperspectral satellite images; ensemble classification; Object Recognition Rate, False Alarm Rate, Classifier Accuracy.

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Optimization of Nutrient Supplement In Hydrocarbon Bioremediation Process with Biostimulation Techniques in Coastal Regions

Authors: Munawar, Mukhtasor, Mahmud Mustain, Purnomo Edi Sasongko, dan Zaenal Kusuma

Abstract— Bioremediation is the application of the principles of biological processes to cultivate the land, and clay which are contaminated by dangerous chemicals. By adding nutrient, it is known as biostimulation. Biostimulation needs nutrient addition to stimulate microbial growth. Bioremediation's success often measured by contaminants concentration reduction percentages in soil or ground water. From this results, the additional nutrient's optimum value obtained with a ratio of N: P at 107.63: 1, with the amount of nutrients (% P) of 8.471 and a decrease in oil concentration coefficient (k) 0,033 / day. Meanwhile, in the experiment with additional nutrients as much as 8.47% P at a ratio of N: P = 105.5: 1, while the percentage of bioremediation obtained approximately 88.47%. The output value of the regression analysis of R-Sq (adj) = 82.2%, this indicates that the expected response of high significance. The research was conducted in the pond area of District Kalang Anyar Sedati Sidoarjo, implemented from May to August 2014 [11].

Keywords— optimization, nutrient, bioremediation, hydrocarbon, biostimulation.

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Characterization and Investigation of Tensile Test on Sisal Fiber Reinforced Polyster Composite Material

Authors: Kotresh sardar, Dr. K. Veeresh, Dr. T. Rangaswamy, Nandini V R

Abstract--The use of natural fiber reinforced polyster composites play a prominent role in almost every application in our daily life due to their high strength and stiffness. The natural fibers serve as reinforcement; it not only improves the strength and stiffness but also reduces the weight of resulting bio-composite. In this present work investigations were carried out to know the performance and properties like tensile strength of 15%,25%,35% and45% SFRPC material with low cost, lightweight and apparently environmentally superior. this paper shows the developments of natural fiber composites used in medical implants for human tissue such as femur bone .the specimens are prepared according to ASTM D-3039 for tensile test using polyster resin as the matrix material, the material consisting of 15%, 25%, 35% and 45% of SFRPC material with fiber weight fraction, random continuous long fiber orientation and the specimens are prepared by using hand lay up fabrication technique. The tensile tests are conducted by varying the proportions of standard specimens. the human femur bone tensile strength in males is 39.74±4.80 N/mm2 and in female it is 30.08±7.96 N/mm2 . Hence according to the results it is observed that there is an improvement in tensile properties of 15%, 25%, 35% and 45% SFRPC material. It is found that the 45% SFRPC material tensile strength may be suitable for the replacement of human tissues and it is observed that by increasing the percentage of fiber, the tensile strength of the specimen may increase. This results suggest that SFRPC material is low-cost, low density with high specific properties and high strength biocompatible material and may suggest for implant as for femur bone. By the experimental results, the 15%, 25%, 35% and 45% SFRPC materials will match for the tensile strength. In this connection, finally 45% SFRPC material can be suggested for femur bone Tensile strength. Hence further the work can be continued to test remaining mechanical properties.

Keywords-- sisal fiber reinforced polyester composite materials (SFRPC), femur bone, tensile test, hand layup technique.

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Android App Design of Static and Dynamic Visual-Aids for House Selling Service Using App Inventor 2

Authors: Huang Li-Jeng, Liao Wan-Ling, Ha Thi Thuy-Van

Abstract— House selling service is an important task for architectural company or personal house sellers. App Inventor is a no-code open platform for Android mobile app development using drag-and-drop approach and visual programming environment. This paper is aimed at Android programming using App Inventor for professional application, i.e., static and dynamic visual aids for house selling service (HSS). System development procedures, layout design and program coding will be explained. A typical real house selling in Ping-tung, Taiwan will be employed to show the results of pictures and movies visual-aids for house selling service. The results are satisfactory and convenient for the use of house sellers.

Keywords—Android Apps, App Inventor, House Selling Service, Smart Phones, Static and Dynamic Expression.

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Energy Audit-A Case Study

Authors: Ankur Soni, Mukesh Pandey, Anurag Gour

Abstract -Energy audit is a process of checking the way energy is used and identify areas where wastage can be minimize if not totally eradicate. Energy audit consists of several tasks which can be carried out depending on the type of audit and the function of audited facility. It started with review the historical data of energy consumption which can be compiled from the electricity bills. These data is important in order to understand the patterns of energy used and their trend. After obtaining the information on energyconsumption, the next step is to set up an energy audit program. This program shou ld start with site survey in order to obtain information on present energy used.The energy utilization such as running hours of air-conditioning, lighting levels, locations of unnecessary air-conditioning and lighting due to unoccupied areas, temperature and humidity, chillers/pump scheduling and setting, efficiencies of equipment’s and machine and the areas of high energy consumption and the possibility to reduce consumption should be record for further analysis.The energy audit discussed in this paper will only focused in the RGPV library building and university of teaching department. It is carried out in aim of analysing and identifying possible energy saving measures in the library, which can later be implem ented for energy efficiency program in RGPV. Keywords – Energy Audit, Methods of auditing, Data collection, Recommendations, Payback period

[1] Zhang Jian, Zhang Yuchen, Chen Song, Gong Suzhou; “How to Reduce Energy Consumption by Energy Audits and Energy Management” Issue Date: July31 2011- Aug.2011 on page(s): 1 - 5 Date of Current Version: 12 September 2011.

[2] Barney L Capehar and Mark B. Spillter “Energy Auditing”,

[3] www.bee-india.nic.in

[4] http://www.energymanagertraining.com/audit_guide/energy%20a udit%20methodology.pdf

[5] Eartheasy.com/live_led_bulbs_comparision


Application of Ultra Compact Element Analyzer for Soil Fertility Diagnosis of Agricultural Research in Southeast Asia

Authors: Keiichi Hayashi, Shuji Tatsumi, Ruth Agbisit, Satoshi Nakamura, Osamu Ito

Abstract— Soil analysis is quite an expensive option and thus it is not feasible for individual farmers, especially small farmers in Southeast Asia although it is imperative for appropriate soil fertility management in agriculture. Recently, Micro Emission Ltd. has developed a liquid electrode plasma method (LEP) and has successfully invented an ultra compact element analyzer or MH-5000. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the performance of MH-5000 in agricultural science by comparing it with the conventional ICP-AES method. Twenty soil samples from the Philippines, Lao PDR and Indonesia were measured by MH-5000 and ICP-AES to evaluate the performance of MH-5000. Results showed that a discrepancy was observed between the measured data by MH-5000 and the ICPAES despite good fit by modified correlation coefficient (R2 ). A compensate formula obtained through this correlation was able to revise the data by MH-5000 and this proved the adequate performance of the MH-5000 in designated analyses.

Keywords—agricultural R&D, portable apparatus, Southeast Asia

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An Extensive Review on Cooperative Wireless Mobile Networks

Authors: Intzar Ansari, Hemant Soni

Abstract- Most of the present researches on cooperative network in which the user nodes are equipped with a single antenna or multiple, there have been some new results which exploit the benefits of multiple antenna deployment. Cooperative MIMO technology allows a wireless network system to attain better performance gains than provided by either usual MIMO or cooperative systems. It promised significant improvement in spectral efficiency and network coverage phenomena for different next generation wireless communication systems. In wireless communication, the path towards the various techniques that gives high service quality and data rate has been through the use of the cooperative network provided by the rich scattering wireless channels. Due to their great aspects, MIMO and cooperative systems have found their way into several standards for future wireless communication systems, especially in cellular networks and wireless local area networks (LAN) in this review article we are presenting the comparative analysis.

Keywords-- Cooperative Diversity, MIMO, WiMAX, SER, Complexity.

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Analysis of CH4 - C4H10 Cryogenic Treated Tungsten Carbide Insert

Authors: C. Rameshkannan, P. Padmanabhan, G. Rajkumar

Abstract— Deep Cryogenic Treatment was confirmed to be crucial in order to maximize the hardness of the tool to reduce the tool wear and economic considerations which affects the production. Because of its high precision and high reliability tungsten carbide inserts have been broadly used worldwide for significant productivity improvements. Liquid nitrogen, oxygen are commonly used cryogenic treatment. The aim of this research is to examine the effect of cryogenic treatment of the uncoated carbide inserts with mixture of methane (CH4) and butane (C4H10) gases and observed with varying temperatures of -130°C, -150°C, -170°C. In general, machining with carbide tool is characterized by steady state conditions. Except at the beginning and end of the cut, the forces on the cutting tool and the tool tip temperature are essentially constant. For the special case varying cutting speed will affect the tool tip temperature. Where during machining, the carbide tool should provide reliable performance only with the parameters of higher hardness, bending strength, resistance to crater wearing and oxidation. Thus, it is necessary to provide high quality carbide turning inserts with excellent cutting capability. The specimens from both cryogenically treated and untreated conditions were subjected Rockwell Hardness Test and Metallurgical Analysis to obtain results that the cryogenic treatment has improved the hardness and strength.The experimental result was compared with Ansys. Keywords— cryo treatment, uncoated carbide tool, hardness test,finite element analysis.

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Effect of Iron Filings in Concrete Compression and Tensile Strength

Author: Ali N. Alzaed

Abstract— Metals waste materials create serious environmental problems, mainly owing to the inconsistency of the wastes streams. Iron filings are very small pieces of iron that look like a light powder. They are very often used in science demonstrations to show the direction of a magnetic field. The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the possibility of using iron filings as one of the component of concrete mix. Four different percentage of iron filing were added to concrete mix to measure the variation which may be obtained in compression and tensile concrete strengths after 28 days. A 144 standard cubes and cylinders were performed and tested in this study using 0% (control), 10%, 20% and 30% of iron filing in concrete mix. It is concluded that, Concrete compressive strength increased gradually when iron filing added to the concrete mix where the tensile strength had a minor effect if the percentage of iron filing used more than 10%. Two formulas represented these relations are proposed which may be used to anticipated the percentage of increase crossponding to each quantity of iron filing added to concrete mix.

Keywords— Iron filing; Compressive strength; Tensile Strength; waste materials.

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