Editorial Board

Volume 2, Issue 1, January 2014 (Title of Paper )

Page No.

Physical and Numerical Model Studies on Cavitation Phenomenon-A Study on Nagarjuna Sagar Spillway

Authors: Rajasekhar. P, Santhosh, Y V G, Soma Sekhar S

Abstract— The Spillway of Nagarjuna Sagar dam across Krishna River was severely eroded during the floods of 2009 due to cavitation which was resulted from the negative pressures developed over the spillway. On further investigation of the problem, it was found that there was a large deviation of the existed profile of the spillway from the design profile, which actually led to the development of negative pressures in such a magnitude that could create the problem. In the present study, an attempt has been made to assess the cavitation damage due to negative pressures in terms of their magnitudes and locations on the spillway of Nagarjuna Sagar dam using the physical model studies on it. At the same time, to check the consistency and the reliability of the results obtained from the physical model studies, numerical models were applied to the problem thus ensuring the accuracy of the results. Further, the output from the numerical models improves the adequacy of the results to obtain the data for more number of points which may not be possible physically. Moreover, the numerical model can be applied to study the similar problems in future to any dam by merely changing the profile equations of the spillways. There is still a lot of scope for the future studies in showing the possible, applicable and most economical remedial measures to reduce the damage caused by cavitation.

Keywords— Cavitation, Model Studies, Vapour Pressure, Piezometer, Cumec, Curvilinear flow.


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Rainfall-Runoff relationship in Central Kabul sub basin using NRCS-CN and Remote Sensing

Authors: Rajasekhar.P, Folad Ahmadzai,Lakshmi Sruthi.P

Abstract— Rainfall runoff is an important component contributing significantly to the hydrological cycle, design of hydrological structures and morphology of the drainage system. Estimation of the same is required in order to determine and forecast its effects. Estimation of Direct rainfall runoff is always efficient but is not possible for most of the location at desired time. Use of remote sensing and GIS technology can be used to overcome the problem of conventional method for estimating runoff caused due to rainfall. In this paper, modified National Resource conservation Service (NRCS) CN model is used for rainfall runoff estimation that considers parameter like slope, vegetation cover, area of watershed. Therefore, geographic information systems (GIS) are now being used in combination with the NRCS-CN method.NRCS-CN method is accepted and used worldwide because of 1). It’s simplicity, 2).Predictability, 3). It’s stability, 4). Because it relies only in one parameter and 5). It’s responsiveness. In most of cases, HSG and LULC maps were generated by graphical analyzing software such as ArcGIS, Imagin, Civil 3D. Central Kabul sub basin covers an area of near 419 km2 . For even more facilitating future analysis and studies Central Kabul sub basin was divided into five sections (Northern, Southern, Central, Eastern and Western) parts. Values of Curve Number for each of above-mentioned sections were calculated and by using NRCS-CN equations, the values for runoff for sub basin and its respective sections were calculated for most probable precipitation intervals. The Curve Number values are ranging from 54 to 71. Remote Sensing provided a powerful tool for estimating Curve Number values in Central Kabul sub basin.

Keywords— Runoff, ArcGIS, Curve Number, Hydrological soil group, Antecedent soil Moisture.


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Assessment of Confined Aquifer Parameters of North Kabul Sub-Basin of Kabul Basin

Authors: Rajasekhar.P, Mansoor Manssori.A Shivakumar.G

Abstract— Assessment of confined aquifer parameters, namely, transmissivity T, storage coefficient S and hydrological boundaries, from pump-test data has been a continual field of research. Several conventional and computer based methods are available for analyzing pumptest data. A simple method by Sushil K. Singh has been presented for precise determination of aquifer parameters using early drawdown data. The method does not require curve matching, initial guess of the parameters, or special care to check for u< 0.01, and the computations involved can be performed on a calculator. This paper shows that these early drawdown data, especially in the neighborhood of u= 0.43, can yield accurate values of aquifer parameters. The present method converges with the Cooper-Jacob method when the late drawdown data are considered. The principle objective of this study is to estimate the confined aquifer parameters of the North Kabul sub-basin of Kabul city as accurate, reliable and economical as possible. Also to determine the parameters, hydrological boundaries and their respond to pumping with a method with site applicability and with short time of pump test, with a method applicable to time and resource constraints. The first study to estimate the aquifer parameters from pump test was analytically derived by Theis (1935), which is valid for groundwater radial unsteady flow based on the Darcy law. Later, a large number of graphical and analytical methods (Cooper and Jacob 1946, Chow 1952, Walton 1962, Papadopulos and Cooper 1967, Saleem 1970, Wikramaranta 1985, Yeh 1987b, Şen 1988) and numerical methods (Rai 1985, Yeh 1987a, Şen 1986, El-Khatib 1987, Bourdet et al 1989, Srivastava and Guzman-Guzman 1994, Singh 2001, Mesut Cimen 2008) based on the Theis equation are proposed by many scientists. Both graphical and analytical, and numerical methods have their own merits and demerits. Present method (Sushil K. Singh) for estimating confined aquifer parameters uses a few early drawdowns to yield accurate values. It enables estimation of aquifer parameters from short duration pump-test data or initial data recorded during an abandoned pump test, which might otherwise be considered inappropriate for reliable estimation of the aquifer parameters. Using the present method the confined aquifer parameter of Kabul Basin is estimated in 14 points. The T and S values estimated by this method have a very little difference between each other. In general based on average we can say that the transmissivity of confined aquifer of North Kabul sub-basin is 94.76m^/day and the storage coefficient is 0.00241. The reliability of these values is judged by calculation of the Standard Error of Estimate (SEE) considering variartions of observed and computed drawdown for early as well as late drawdown data. The minimum value of SEE = 6.1 * 10^-4 and the maximum value is 1.46 * 10^-3. These values shows the reliability of this method compared to other existing methods in the literature while this method used early drawdown data and again reproduced the early and late time drawdown data using estimated aquifer parameters(T&S) with such a SEE values. None of the above mentioned methods bearing such a SEE values on published drawdown data. As the confined aquifer of North Kabul sub-basin is like fossil there is no leakage between confined and unconfined is reported and also there is no recharge boundary is available [JICA]. The hydrological impervious boundary of the aquifer is not determined because of the location of the observation and pumped wells far from the boundary and no well is located near to the boundary.

Keywords—Confined Aquifer, Cooper Jacob Method, Transmissivity, Storage Coefficient, Standard Error of Estimate.


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Ground water Evaluation of Chinnar watershed (Koneri sub - watershed) Perambalur Dt With Arc GIS Platform

Authors: Dr.D.Srinivasan, T.Velmurugan

Abstract— Thirty groundwater samples have been collected from Chinnar watershed (Koneri sub-water shed), a purely hard rock terrain in south India for hydro chemical investigations to understand the chemical quality of groundwater for drinking and irrigation purposes .the quality of groundwater has been assessed by using SAR, RSC, Piper and USSL diagrams. Spatial analyst on extended module of ArcGIS 9.3 was used to find out the spatial behavior of the groundwater parameters.

Key Words – Chinnar water shed groundwater quality, sodium adsorption, residual sodium carbonate, and spatial distribution


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Review Paper on Effect of Cylinder Block Fin Geometry on Heat Transfer Rate of Air-Cooled 4S SI Engine

Authors: Arvind S.Sorathiya, Ashishkumar N. Parmar, Pravin P. Rathod

Abstract— Indian two-wheeler market is the world's second biggest market. Among the 3 segments (motorcycles, scooters and mopeds) of the Indian two wheeler market, major growth trends have been seen in the motorcycle segment over the last four to five years due to its resistance and balance even on bad road conditions. In Indian motorcycles, Air-cooling is used due to reduced weight and simple in construction of engine cylinder block. As the air-cooled engine builds heat, the cooling fins allow the wind and air to move the heat away from the engine. Low rate of heat transfer through cooling fins is the main problem in this type of cooling. The main of aim of this work is to study various researches done in past to improve heat transfer rate of cooling fins by changing cylinder block fin geometry, climate condition and material.

Keywords—Air Cooling, ANSYS, CFD, Cylinder block, Engine Performance, Fins, Heat Transfer, Internal Combustion Engine.


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Delay Adjusted Low Power Pattern Generator for BIST

Authors: B.Syed Ibrahim, M.Rajendiran, D.Sankareshwaran

Abstract— Most of the pattern generators used for BIST are sequential circuits consisting of flip-flops. LFSR is one of the most widely used pattern generators comprising of a series of flip-flops with additional xor taps. The use of flip-flops in circuits increases circuit complexity, propagation delay, power consumption and requirement of additional external signals such as reset and clock. Here in this paper we propose a new combinational architecture for pattern generator which constitutes only few logic gates and not flip-flops. Thus this method aids in providing an efficient and effective way in greatly reducing power consumption, delay and complexity.

Keywords-power consumption;


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Analysis of Automatic Crack Detection in Metal

Authors: P. S. S. Akilashri, Dr. E. Kirubakaran

Abstract- The streak image caused by metal implants degrades the image quality and limits the applications of metal, that results in loss of image quality. The proposed method uses LDA with fractional wavelet transformation to extract the texture features. Diffusion method used in this work is efficient for detecting the pitting and laminating defects. By using Gradient Magnitude and structure coherance the exact level of defect is found.

Keywords-- LDA, Lamination, Automatic metal crack detection.


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CBIR By Integration of Color and Texture Features

Authors:Vaishali Khandave, Nitin Mishra

Abstract— Content Based Image Retrieval (CBIR) is the retrieval of images based on visual features such as color, texture and shape. Image retrieval using single feature cannot provide good solution for accuracy and efficiency. High level feature describes the concept of human brain will reduce the query efficiency and low level features such as color, texture and shape will reduce query accuracy, so it is better way to use multi features for image retrieval. The most important visual features are Color and texture. In this paper technique used for retrieving the images based on their content namely color, texture and combination of both color and texture. The technique verifies the superiority of image retrieval using multifeature than the single feature.

Keywords— Combined feature, Content Based Image retrieval (CBIR), Co-occurrence matrix, Euclidian distance


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Discussion Summarization

Authors: N. Lalithamani, K. Alagammai, Kolluru Kamala Sowmya, L. Radhika, Raga Supriya Darisi, S. Shanmugapriya

Abstract — Discussion summarization is the process of condensing a text document which is a collection of discussion threads, using CBS (Cluster Based Summarization) approach in order to create a relevant summary which enlists most of the important points of the original thematic discussion, thereby providing the users, both concise and comprehensive piece of information. This outlines all the opinions which are described from multiple perspectives in a single document. This summary is completely unbiased as they present information extracted from multiple sources based on a designed algorithm, without any editorial touch or subjective human intervention. Extractive methods used here, follow the technique of selecting a subset of existing words, phrases, or sentences in the original text to form the summary. An iterative ranking algorithm is followed for clustering. The NLP (Natural Language Processing) is used to process human language data. Precisely, it is applied while working with corpora, categorizing text, analyzing linguistic structure. Thus, the quick summary is aimed at being salient, relevant and non-redundant. The proposed model is validated by testing its ability to generate optimal summary of discussions in Yahoo Answers. Results show that the proposed model is able to generate much relevant summary when compared to present summarization techniques.

Keywords — Bi-Type graph model, clustering, discussion summarization, ranking, score calculation, TCC approach


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Spatio-Temporal Analysis of Urban Sprawl in Greater Hyderabad Region and Its Impacts on Rural Urban Fringe Areas Using Geoinformatics Technology.

Authors: T. Phanindra Kumar, Dr. P. Kesav rao, Dr. V Madhava Rao, Yuva Kishore

Abstract- Urbanization is an index of transformation from traditional rural economies to modern industrial one. It is a progressive concentration of population in an urban unit. It takes place either in radial direction around a wellestablished city or linearly along the highways. This dispersed development along highways or surrounding the city and in rural countryside is generally referred as sprawl. Sprawl is a term that is often used to describe perceived inefficiencies of development, including disproportionate growth of urban areas and excessive leapfrog development. Sprawl is a cumulative result of many individual decisions and it requires not only an understanding of the factors that motivate an individual landowner to convert land, but also an understanding of how these factors and individual landuse decisions aggregate over space. Some of the causes of the sprawl include - population growth, economy and proximity to resources and basic amenities. The measurement and monitoring of land-use change are crucial to government officials and planners who urgently need updated information and proper planning tools. The entropy method is most popularly used method for the measurement and monitoring of urban sprawl by the integration of remote sensing and GIS. The advantages of the entropy method are its simplicity and easy integration with GIS. GIS and remote sensing data along with collateral data help in analyzing the growth, pattern and extent of sprawl. With the spatial and temporal analyses it is possible to identify the pattern of sprawl and subsequently predict the nature of future sprawl. This project brings out the extent of sprawl taking place over a period of six years using GIS and Remote Sensing. An attempt was made to study the implications of urban sprawl on land-use & land-cover pattern of a typical regions located in Greater Hyderabad city & its surround rural-urban fringe areas in the state of Andhra Pradesh.

KeyWords- Land Use Planning, classification, NDVI, Change Detection, Shanons Entropy, Compactness Index etc.


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Key Frame Extraction Using Features Aggregation

Authors: B. F. Momin, S. B. Pawar

Abstract— In Video Surveillance System, the surveillance of video in its different application such as performing real time online event detection, crime prevention, scene analysis and offline analysis and retrieval of interested events requires very huge computation and memory too. Key frame Extraction (KFE) is selection of frames which represents the object moves and changes in subsequent frames in the video. KFE may be used as pre-processing in surveillance application. Changes in frames are decided on the basis of frame’s features. To describe frame in better way, more than one feature are used. Visual Feature Differences are found which are calculated by considering local threshold and Frame Difference is by considering global threshold. Three features are calculated for finding Frame Difference. Three feature differences are then aggregated using aggregation functions. Different Weights for different features are set according to the contribution of corresponding feature in finding frame difference to get better results.

Keywords— Aggregation Function, Feature Extraction, Key frame, Thresholds, Video Summarization.


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Cuff less Continuous Non-Invasive Blood Pressure Measurement Using Pulse Transit Time Measurement

Authors: Surendhra Goli, Jayanthi T

Abstract— High Blood Pressure or Hypertension is the most common cause of heart disease and coronary artery disease. Hypertension is also a major risk factor for stroke, aneurysms of the arteries, peripheral arterial disease and is a cause of chronic kidney disease. And it is estimated that the number of patients in India with high blood pressure is likely to rise from about 140 million in 2008 to nearly 215 million by 2030. And it’s not just an old age problem anymore. Hypertension is rarely accompanied by any symptom, and its identification is usually through screening of continuous monitoring of blood pressure. Blood pressure measurement is performed either invasively by an intra arterial catheter or noninvasively by cuff sphygmomanometery. The invasive method is continuous and accurate but has increased risk, the cuff is safe but less reliable and infrequent. A reliable continuous non-invasive blood pressure measurement is highly desirable. While the possibility of using Pulse Transit Time (PTT) and Pulse Wave Velocity (PWV) were shown to have co-relation with arterial blood pressure (BP) and have been reported to be suitable for indirect BP measurement. Arterial blood pressure (BP) was estimated from Electrocardiography (ECG) and PPG waveform. PTT is a time interval between an R-wave of electrocardiography (ECG) and a photoplethysmography (PPG) signal. This method does not require an air cuff and only a minimal inconvenience of attaching electrodes and LED/photo detector sensors on a subject.PTT computed between the ECG R-wave and the maximum first derivative PPG was strongly correlated with systolic blood pressure (SBP) (R=0.734) compared with other PTT values, and the diastolic time proved to be appropriate for estimation diastolic blood pressure (DBP) (R = 0.731). Our proposed method can be used for continuous BP monitoring for the purpose of personal healthcare.

Keywords— Electrocardiography (ECG), Hypertension, Photoplethysmography (PPG), Pulse Transit Time(PTT), Pulse Wave Velocity(PWV).


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Texutural Characteristics and Depositional Environment of Olistostromal Sandstone of Ukhrul, Manipur

Author: Thokchom Devala Devi

Abstract-- Grain size analysis of olistostromal sandstone samples associated with Nagaland-Manipur Ophiolite Belt in and around Ukhrul Town which lies between 24º25΄- 25º10΄N latitude and 94º10΄-94º30΄E longitudes has been carried out to find out textural characteristics and depositional environment. These sandstones are highly variable in size and shape; texturally and mineralogical immature. Most of these sandstones have unimodal distribution. Median values vary between 0.3ф-3.75ф and mean size varies from 0.86ф-3.81ф. They are positively, negatively as well as nearly symmetrically skewed. Bivariate and multivariate analysis indicates diversity in the depositional environment. However marine and turbidity is the most dominant environment.

Keyword-- Grain size analysis, depositional environment, Nagaland-Manipur Ophiolite Belt, olistostromal sandstone


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Organizational Judgmental Decision Jury of Executive Opinion Method Model

Authors: Nasser Fegh-hi Farahmand

Abstract--The organization’s immediate external environment posses a second set of challenging factors. In order to performance increase of industrial companies because of competition conditions in nowadays world with more various threats, perform of necessary actions are required. Meanwhile, in accordance with mentioned opinions, this research is found that if the total average values of each person were very high, create judgmental decision jury of executive opinion method will be suitable for him, and if such values be very low, the execution place will be proposed. In other wise, if the total average values of person be medium, he or she will put in balancer or supporting judgmental decisions jury of executive opinion method place. All of the organizations, before choosing of alternatives for improve of company performance, proposed for test and evaluation of the model of this research, and if they couldn’t receive of suitable results from perform of it, in that case will be free for choosing and selecting another alternative. For these reasons, after determination of judgmental decision jury of executive opinion method places for manufacturing organizations, the find of alternatives for perform of it is very important.

Keywords-- Organizational performance, judgmental decision jury of executive opinion method, organization, judgmental decision jury of executive opinion method position


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