Editorial Board

Volume 1, Issue 2, November 2013 (Title of Paper )

Page No.

Digital Assurance Trends - Search Relevance Testing

Authors: Venkat Ramesh Atigadda, Sandru Veerabhadraiah

Abstract- There is no doubt that the amount of information on the Internet has increased. Many people have tried to utilize this enormous information either to enhance their knowledge or searching for information which will suffice their needs. But results which are mostly irrelevant are being displayed, especially in the area of Information retrieval. So verification of the Information or search results which are displayed as per the keyword is very important. This paper brings in some of the key business drivers for search relevance, key dimensions of search, verification aspects for search relevance testing, classification of search results, evaluation of search results, tools and best practices.

Keywords- Search Relevance Testing, Relevancy Testing, Search Testing, Search Relevance, Best Practices


[1] Internet Growth Statistics

[2] Mobile Internet Users will Overtake Fixed Users in 2013

[3] Mobile Search Usage

[4] Ecommerce Sales Topped $1 Trillion for First Time in

[5] US Digital Ad Spending


EtransQ A Logistic Solution

Author: Chirag Joshi

Abstract- The transport industry in India lacks in the involvement of IT. Business is still carried using the traditional methods. Suppliers, Transporters and Agents have a limited business domain. In transport industry, clients have long term relationships. The only reason because of which suppliers and transporters loose the best deals available in market is the limited scope for searching new service providers. Tenders are available only in newspapers. Every tender is not suitable for every transporter. Sorting and searching is not possible manually, the solution to all these problems is given by E-transQ. E-TransQ is an information system, focused on transport industry to enhance the capabilities of the suppliers, transporters and agents (STA). It aims to provide an innovative, profitable, knowledge based service to its users. The solution helps in increasing STA’s business domain and profits. E-TransQ embeds Internet based technologies with internal operating structures for earning business. E-TransQ is user friendly 24*7 available and provides a secured and trustworthy environment. It provides a single platform where users can communicate, share information, increase knowledge and business capabilities

Keywords— Agent, Association, Logistic, Offer, Supplier, Transporter, Tender


[1] TOGAF 9 (

[2] Modern Database Management, 8/e Hoffer • Prescott • McFadden ISBN-10: 0132212110 ISBN-13: 9780132212113 Publisher: Prentice Hall

[3] TOGAF Crash Course (

[4] The cognitive dynamics of computer science, ISBN: 978-0-471- 97047-7 Wiley-IEEE Computer Society Press. [5] Knowledge management and IT strategies by MiltiAdis


Inhibition of Copper Corrosion in The Presence of Synthesized (E)-2-(4-Bromophenoxy)-N'-(2,4-Dihydroxybenzylidene)
Acetohydrazide in Polluted and Unpolluted Salt Water

Authors: A. M. El-Shamy, Samir T. Gaballah, A. E. El Meleigy

Abstract- (E)-2-(4-Bromophenoxy)-N'-(2,4- dihydroxybenzylidene) acetohydrazide (BDA) was synthesized in the laboratory and characterized by spectroscopic tools and evaluated as a corrosion inhibitor for copper in 3.5% NaCl by electrochemical studies. Results obtained revealed that BDA was a very good inhibitor with efficiency of about 82%, 57% in unpolluted polluted media respectively. Potentiodynamic polarization curves showed that BDA is a cathodic inhibitor. The ability of the studied inhibitor to inhibit the corrosion of copper was due to the presence of two nitrogen atoms and four oxygen atoms on its structure. Surface analyses were also carried out, to establish the mechanism of the corrosion inhibition of copper polluted and unpolluted salt water. The promising results were achieved in polluted sulfide media with good inhibition efficiency with regards to the film stability.

Keywords- Corrosion inhibitors, Copper Corrosion, (E)-2- (4-Bromophenoxy)-N'-(2,4-dihydroxybenzylidene) acetohydrazide Inhibition efficiency, Polarization curves, Surface analysis


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A Plug in Implementation for Phishing Attacks Using C4.5 Algorithm

Authors: Akanksha Upadhyaya, Jitendra Dangra, Dr. M. K Rawat

Abstract- Rapid increase in the size of web users. Users enter sensitive information such as passwords, their personal and professional information into scam web sites. Phishing is the criminally fraudulent process of attempting to acquire sensitive information such as usernames, passwords and credit card details, for some illegitimate purpose. Such scam sites cause substantial damages to individuals and corporations. These attacks can be analyzed through this work, and a plug in is designed which provide security from the fake websites . This work is improved by using decision tree c4.5 over id3 and a comparison is drawn. The objective of this work is to optimize the work ,done by ID3 algorithm before, using C4.5 for designing anti phishing toolbar by designing a new toolbar with improved accuracy, search time and less memory consumption and then give comparitive results for ID3 and C4.5.

Keywords--ID3, C4.5, phishing


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Analysis of Traffic Congestion and Remedial Measures at Traffic Mor in Pabna City, Bangladesh

Authors: Ashish Kumer Saha, Bulbul Ahmed, Motiur Rahman, Tahmina Tasnim Nahar

Abstract- The economic development of a country mostly depends on the good transportation system. Development of new transportation system involve huge amount of money and time. Most of the cases the invested money is irreversible. The developing country like Bangladesh the best approach is to improvement of existing facilities we have. Pabna, one of the rising cities in Bangladesh. As a result the population in Pabna increasing day by day, so as the traffic congestion. Traffic Mor is one of the major intersection in Pabna city. In overall context Traffic Mor road intersection plays an important role in existing traffic system of the city. Traffic Mor road intersection is tee type road intersection at level. Traffic flow of this intersection is mixed traffic flow and both way is two way. In this study an attempts are made to investigate the geometric elements, traffic congestion, and traffic control devices at Traffic Mor road intersection.

Keywords- Traffic congestion, geometric elements, traffic volumes, PCU, Traffic control device


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