S.No. |
1. |
Review of VLSI Implementation of Approximate Booth Multiplier Authors : Mohd Shariq Zia , Manish Gupta, Dr Anshuj Jain |
1-5 |
2. |
VLSI Implementation of Approximate Radix-16 Booth Multiplier for High Speed and Low Latency Authors : Mohd Shariq Zia , Manish Gupta, Dr Anshuj Jain |
6-10 |
3. |
Review of Lung Cancer Diseases Prediction using AI Techniques Authors : Anand Kishor Agnihotri, Manish Gupta, Dr Anshuj Jain |
11-15 |
4. |
An Efficient Machine Learning Technique for Fake Review Prediction On Amazon Dataset Authors : Abhijeet Giri, Devendra Kumar Bajpai, P. K. Sharma |
16-21 |
5. |
VLSI Architecture of Polar Encoding and Decoding for 5G Applications Authors : Jaswant Singh Thakur, Prof. Pankaj Dubey, Prof. Shivraj Singh |
22-27 |